Sustainability in a Connected World: ARM Delivers its Biggest Corporate Responsibility Program

In 2015 ARM delivered its biggest corporate responsibility (CR) program ever to provide positive change to over 300,000 people around the world. Its 2015 CR report ‘Sustainability in a connected world’ highlights how the company is making an impact in education, sustainability and health to achieve its aim of helping 10 million people by 2020.
ARM technology is at the heart of the world’s most advanced digital products and enables the development of new markets and the transformation of industries and societies for a globally connected population. With more than 15 billion ARM-based chips shipped by its Partners in 2015, ARM is now reaching more people than ever. This offers ARM the opportunity to build a CR program that can also deliver impact at scale.
Sustainability in a connected world describes how ARM has been collaborating with organizations such as UNICEF, Literacy Bridge and Simprints to save and improve lives at scale through the use of innovative technology. The report also presents ARM’s strategic objectives in education to improve the quality of science, engineering and mathematics with the aim of increasing the number of male and female young students participating in STEM subjects.
Report highlights in 2015:
- Identification of how the CR program, ARM-based technology and sustainable relationships can support the delivery of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
- Connected Education: inspiring young people into STEM subjects with the BBC micro:bit, a collaboration with over 25 partners to deliver one million ARM-based microcomputers to 12 year olds in the UK
- A flagship partnership between ARM and UNICEF and the Wearables for Good Design Challenge encouraging innovation in “wearables” as a life-saving technology
- Enabling the extraordinary through its people, creating an inclusive and engaged business where diversity and collaboration creates industry-leading technology.
ARM has also published the CR Reporting Supplement of detailed sustainability disclosures in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 framework at the Comprehensive level.
Media contact:
Simon Humphrey