Weekly Highlights - April 28, 2011

Apr 29, 2011 1:45 PM ET

Full Newsletter Here

Business leaders and managers are being challenged by the rising expectations of stockholders and stakeholder with regard to the corporate performance in the areas of ESG (environmental, social issue and governance) performance.  Peers and competitors are increasingly setting the pace for industries and sectors as they create and implement sustainability and corporate responsibility strategies and actions.

Who cares about this?  Asset owners and asset managers looking at investments through the ESG/Sustainability lens.  And third party stakeholders who are setting the pace in ESG research, standard setting (for industries), media, issue advocates…and others watching the corporate sector.

Our team is watching the watchers for you.  We bring you news, commentary and research in key areas of interest for both investors and asset managers -- and for corporate boards, executives and managers.  As Sustainability and ESG frameworks are adopted by more investors, the capital markets are determining winners, laggards and losers.   Track the trends, the news, updates, the important developments – make Sustainability HQ™ your headquarters for ESG knowledge management.

ESG / Sustainability

Experts: As Traditional Banks Fail To Meet Local Needs, Community Investing Poised To Break Through To Mainstream In 2011  
(Source: Green America, Social Investment Forum)  "Community investing” (CI) is already the unsung hero in thousands of towns and neighborhoods across America, where CI quietly has added jobs, local services and support for small businesses where traditional lenders have been unable or unwilling to do so.  In 2011, community investing is poised to become much more widely visible as a result of three important trends that could boost related investments from individuals and institutions, according to experts from the Social Investment Forum, Green America, One PacificCoast Bank and the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions.  Associated Profiles :Social Investment Forum (SIF)Green America - Co-Op America

Giving Sustainability a Seat In the Boardroom  
(Source:  Greenbiz)  Sustainability today is seen by many company leaders as an important strategy in business success, and that idea has made it into more and more boardrooms in the last several years. In light of that trend, BSR recently completed a paper for the U.N. Global Compact examining the role of the board in corporate social responsibility (CSR). Based on that work, as well as BSR's experience working with member companies, this article examines board roles and responsibilities, the three approaches to incorporating sustainability into the board structure, and how the composition of the board influences the company's approach to sustainability.  Associated Profiles : UN - Global Compact

Nanotechnology: "The Next Big Controversy in Food"  
(Source: Miami New Times)  What is nanotechnology? Michael Passoff, a senior strategist with shareholder activist group As You Sow, recently wrote an article about nanotechnology and its use in food manufacturing. "Nanotech is already used in vitamins, supplements, and sports drinks," he says. "It is the next big controversy in food."   Associated Profiles : As You Sow

The most important Earth Day since the first Earth Day 
(Source: Philly  As we prepare to celebrate the 41st Earth Day and millions of people around the country take part in events cleaning up litter and streams, fixing park benches and maintaining trails, we are under the biggest environmental threat since the first Earth Day. More people are buying green products, hybrid cars, and renewable energy, recycling more and supporting local produce at farmer's markets, underscoring the public involvement and commitment to environmental protection.

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