Sustainable Brands Releases Free Context-Based Goals e-Book: Addison Co-Moderated Section with GE

Sustainable Brands recently published a complimentary e-book titled Next-Generation Sustainability Targets: Toward Big, Context-Based Goals, a compilation of the #SustyGoals dialogue series on its #NewMetrics channel.
According to editor Bill Baue, “Thought leaders in the field are now talking about next-generation goals, leapfrog goals, end-zone goals, context-based goals, science-based goals, reality-based a word, goals that catapult past business-as-usual, squarely into the realm of true sustainability or even past that, to regeneration or ‘net positive’ impacts.”
The book includes an interview on context-based goal-setting with Gretchen Hancock, GE’s Resource Optimization Manager, that was co-moderated by Judy Sandford, Addison’s Senior Strategist for Sustainability Communications, and Baue. Hancock touches upon GE’s environmental accountability and footprint as well as its top 10 ranking in the Climate Counts Context-Based Carbon Metric, and provides guidance for other companies working to reduce GHG emissions.
The free e-book can be downloaded at:
The original Addison blog can be found at: