Symantec Ranked as Top ESG Leader
Symantec listed in Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

Originally published on Symantec Blog | Corporate Responsibility
By Jaime Barclay, Director of Corporate Responsibility at Symantec
Symantec is proud to be again named a Sustainability Leader on both the Dow Jones Sustainability (DJSI) World and DJSI North America indices along with just a handful of other software technology companies. The DJSI represents the gold standard for corporate sustainability and this is our 13th consecutive year listed on the North America Index and our 12th consecutive year on the World Index.
The analysis assesses the world’s largest companies based on financially material Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, and theindices are created by S&P Dow Jones Indices together withSAM, the business unit of ESG research firm RobecoSAM.SAM’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) is an annual evaluation of over 4,700 companies’ sustainability practices from around the world.
The assessment focuses on criteria that are both industry specific and financially material and each year the CSA is enhanced to identify and measure under-researched or under-reported financially material ESG factors. This process helps better detect those companies that are well positioned to address future sustainability-driven challenges and opportunities. The top 10 percent of sustainability leaders in each industry are included in the Dow Jones Sustainability™ World Index for their long-term economic, environmental and social efforts.
In this year’s analysis, Symantec ranked especially high with regards to environmental reporting, operational eco-efficiency, corporate philanthropy, and labor practices. This year, Symantec was also named to The Civic 50, listed on CR Magazine’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens list, named a “Win-Win Company” by JUST Capital, named to Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index, and included in the 100 U.S. Companies Supporting Healthy Communities and Families.
To learn more about Symantec’s commitment to Corporate Responsibility practices, please read our 2018 Corporate Responsibility Report.