5 minute shower saves gallons and gallons of water
Jan 6, 2010 12:00 PM ET


Why 5? 5 is the perfect number, sort of like peas and carrots. It just works. It's the new black - why? because everyone is thinking about and wanting to be involved in conserving resources.. a great way to be involved is to start timing your shower. Sounds a little harsh at first, I know. But, the 5 minute shower saves gallons and gallons of water when compared to the average 10 minute shower which can use up to 40 gallons. Cut that down to 10 gallons with taking 5.

Getting started is easy. First step make an intention to take 5. Have a timer in your bathroom so you know when 5 is up. It takes some getting use to. For example when I first started taking 5, my timer would go off and I would still be shampooing...how did this happen I thought? I definitely had to adjust and get use to the time frame and now it is like a game for me every day. So don't get frustrated if adjusting to taking 5 takes a couple tries for you as well. Have fun with it. You are conserving gallons and gallons of water daily by shaving minutes off your shower, knowing you are contributing to conserving feels good! And your pocketbook will thank you too. Save on your heating and water bills by taking 5. Buy an energy efficient shower head and save even more! Turn off the water when brushing your teeth and take less baths and you have got yourself some serious savings...

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