Tapping Into Tech to Accelerate Digital Innovation
Innovating to Serve our Customers

MetLife is focused on finding innovative ideas and tapping into new technologies outside our company — and even our industry.
Backed by a $100 million investment fund, we launched MetLife Digital Ventures in 2017 to accelerate MetLife’s transformation through direct investment in startups that can bring new innovations to MetLife’s customers. Direct investment allows MetLife to share our expertise with these startups and influence the products and capabilities they offer, provide opportunities to expand their businesses and generate returns on our investment.
We also announced the MetLife Digital Accelerator, powered by Techstars, to identify, invest in and mentor early-stage startups at our Global Technology Campus in Cary, NC. After selection, startups will go through an intensive program to focus on developing and accelerating their ideas to bring them to market, while serving as a catalyst for MetLife’s own digital innovation.
We also work with startups through LumenLab, MetLife Asia's Singapore-based innovation center. LumenLab runs “collab,” its competition to help entrepreneurs and “insurtech” startups solve our innovation challenges and scale their business with MetLife. In 2017, the program received 139 applications from 34 countries and selected eight finalists to compete for funding, while receiving mentorship and training from MetLife employees.
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