Tell Your Shared Value Story
Apply to become a guest speaker at the Shared Value Leadership Summit.

Are you advancing shared value through a new initiative, research, or partnership? We want to feature you at the 2014 Shared Value Leadership Summit! Earn the opportunity to share your story of shared value with over 300 game-changing practitioners. Apply by March 31, 2014 to be a guest storyteller at the Summit:
We are looking for concise, inventive content from dedicated professionals exploring and progressing shared value within the corporate, nonprofit, or governmental arena. Speaking slots will be brief—10 minutes—and will occur before the marquee keynote sessions. If chosen as a presenter, you will receive complimentary admission to the 2014 Summit ($1950 value). There, you will have the stage in front of a pivotal audience and directly contribute to the development of the shared value field.
For your chance to speak at the summit, tell us about:
- Your perspectives on shared value from the field.
- How you’re applying shared value within local contexts, in particular industries, or partnerships.
- New initiatives that have introduced innovative products or services, reconfigured value chains, or enhanced the local operating environment.
- How your organization is infusing shared value throughout your culture or approaches.
- Your unique story of applying shared value that can be scaled globally.
How Do I Apply?
Visit to learn more. The deadline for applications is March 31st, 2014.