Texas Diversity Council Announces 2017 Top 50 Chief Information Officers

AUSTIN, Texas, November 9, 2016 /3BL Media/ - The Texas Diversity Council is pleased to announce the 2017 Distinguished Chief Information Officer award winners. This award will be formally presented to the esteemed honorees on February 21, 2017 at the National CIO Symposium in Austin, Texas.
“The 2017 Distinguished Chief Information Officer award honors a diverse range of executive leaders of the highest caliber,” said Dennis Kennedy, Founder and Chairman of the National Diversity Council. “Our team takes great pride in honoring this group of accomplished men and women that continue to push innovation in business and beyond.”
Selection for this distinction was based on each individual’s contributions to business growth and strategic direction, proven record of innovation and accomplishments in their area of expertise, and their ability to serve as an active role model by mentoring the next generation of professionals in their industry. Each awardee stands atop their field in several industries such as technology, health care, oil & gas, financial services, government and retail. The wide range of industries represented in this group of distinguished executives speaks to the distinctive importance their role plays in the new corporate arena.
The National CIO Symposium will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a networking reception allowing attendees the opportunity to network and mingle with key influencers in the information technology field. Following the reception, the Distinguished Chief Information Officers will be announced at the 7:00 p.m. awards dinner. Please visit our Top 50 CIOs site to see the full list of awardees.
Registration for this event is ongoing and can be completed at www.top50cio.com/register. For more information, please contact Kelvin Arala at kelvin.arala@nationaldiversitycouncil.org.
2017 Top 50 Chief Information Officers
Amy Suhl |
Andy Bynum |
Angela Yochem |
Archie Deskus |
Arleene Porterfield |
Carol Clements |
Chris Hanz |
David Doyle |
Ed Robben |
Ellen Barker |
Giseala Riggan |
Jake Dominguez |
Jason Buechel |
Jeffrey Kao |
Jennifer Hartsock |
Joan Kuehl |
John Thomson |
John Varkey |
Ken Barnes |
Ken Braud |
Kristen Blum |
Lisa Gauthier |
Lori Kittle |
Mark Huse |
Mark Maddox |
Maya Leibman |
Melinda Costin |
Michael Cooper |
Michael Rhymes |
Myra Davis |
Neelu Sethi |
Noel Wong |
Pamela McNutt |
Peggy Collsman |
Randy Sloan |
Ray Ann Cacheria |
Robert Taylor |
Rohan Pal |
Rohit Kapoor |
Ryan Neading |
Sandeep Bhakhri |
Sara Andrews |
Stephen Elkins |
Steve Brady |
Suja Chandrasekaran |
Tammy Gilbert |
Therace Risch |
Tim Platt |
Wayne Shurts |
Zhanna Golodryga |
About the Texas Diversity Council
A non-profit organization committed to fostering a learning environment for organizations to grow in their knowledge of diversity. The council affords opportunities for organizations to share best practices and learn from top corporate leaders in the areas of diversity and inclusion.
More information about the Texas Diversity Council is available at www.texasdiversitycouncil.org.
Media Contact:
Dennis Kennedy
Founder & Chairman
National Diversity Council