UGA Miracle raises $1.1M for Children’s Healthcare
By Marilyn Primovic

Originally published by UGA Today
More than 1,000 students and community members strapped hospital bands on their wrists and raised $1,144,453.19 for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta during UGA Miracle’s 24 hour Dance Marathon Saturday and Sunday in Tate Grand Hall. This is the fourth consecutive year that this student organization has raised more than $1 million.
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
UGA Miracle, the largest student-run organization at the university, seeks to encourage the families of patients and financially support the Rehabilitation Services and Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center.
“The first $1 million raised directly funds Rehab Services and all additional funds support the Aflac Cancer Center,” said Lydia George, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta program coordinator.
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Aflac is proud to support The Aflac Cancer Center and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Dance Marathons. Kudos to the students at the University of Georgia for their commitment to helping children with challenging health issues.