U.S. SEC to Pay $30 million-plus in Largest Whistleblower Award

U.S. SEC to Pay $30 million-plus in Largest Whistleblower Award: Source Newslet…
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Supply Chain & Risk Management
Conflict-Mineral audits get few takers
The Wall Street Journal. Only four out of 1,300 U.S.-listed companies sought external audits of their efforts to root out so-called conflict minerals in their supply chains, according to a study released Thursday.
U.S. SEC to pay $30 million-plus in largest whistleblower award
Reuters. An anonymous tipster living abroad will be receiving more than $30 million, in the largest whistleblower award ever doled out by U.S. securities regulators as part of a program that aims to incentivize insiders to report wrongdoing.
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Amnesty International calls for stronger conflict mineral regulations in EU
International Business. Critics are calling on European policymakers to impose tougher rules to limit the import of conflict minerals, using their American counterparts as an example.
Picking cotton in Uzbekistan: Adults bear increased burden as child labor discontinued
UZ News. The discontinued use of child labor in this year’s cotton harvest – a move by the Uzbek government intended to appease foreign investors – is creating an increased burden for adults.
Report - Conflict Minerals Year In Review
This report contains an analysis of supplier data from 2013 and highlights the key supplier segments that present the greatest challenge for companies in meeting their reporting goals. Download now to find out the best ways to engage these suppliers for your conflict minerals compliance program.
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September 29 - 30 - Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative Workshop
Following the first-ever reporting of companies to the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission on their conflict minerals due diligence, the 14th CFSI Workshop will take a look back at what worked and what didn’t in 2014 filings, and look toward the future to improved reporting and the implications of conflict minerals traceability in supply chains.
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