Using Organizational Change To Embed Your Corporate ESG and DEI Strategies Amid the Backlash

By Natalie Runyon Director / ESG content & Advisory Services / Thomson Reuters Institute
Sep 13, 2024 9:00 AM ET
A person walking down a long, wooden, staircase.
Image courtesy of Thomson Reuters

Originally published by Thomson Reuters

Another related consideration that impacts how much DEI and ESG initiatives are integrated into business operations is how resistance shows up and from whom. To effectively manage change, Shane Lloyd, Chief Diversity Officer at Baker Tilly, said that he advises change leaders to segment audiences between proponents, opponents, and persuadables and gauge how much power and authority each group possess to help or hinder the work.

“We know we cannot get 100% of people on board but everyone needs the opportunity to be in two-way communication with the leaders so their perspective can be accounted for,” Lloyd says.

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