Viacom Makes Working Mothers’ Best Companies List for Seventh Year – 12 Moms Help Explain Why
by Stuart Winchester
Sep 27, 2017 3:00 PM ET

Originally posted on Blog.Viacom
For the seventh consecutive year, Working Mother has named Viacom to its list of 100 Best Companies. The reasons why Viacom is a great place to be a mom are plentiful, including:
- 10 paid weeks of maternity leave
- $15,000 in assistance for anyone adopting or fostering a child, or using a surrogate
- A fertility concierge service that connects employees to patient advocates, nurses, genetic counselors, and surrogacy and donor specialists
- 25 days of subsidized care-giving for children (or adults) per year
- Access to lactation experts
- The ability to ship breast milk home from business trips
But the best people to explain why Viacom so consistently makes Working Mother’s list is the moms themselves. We asked a dozen of them why this company was such a great destination for women who don’t want to have to choose between family and career.