Video: What's Next for Shared Value?
Prepare to be Inspired: Shared Value Summit Video Now Live

As the Summit Curtain Closes, What's Next for Shared Value?
By Justin Bakule, Executive Director, Shared Value Initiative
As we release plenary session video of our sixth annual Shared Value Leadership Summit this week, here are my top moments of inspiration, reflection, and learning from the event earlier this month in New York:
Jim Kim’s Vision for the World Bank and Shared Value – In conversation with Michael Porter, the World Bank President called for increased partnership between the World Bank and the private sector clearly laying out how the two can work to meet both development and business objectives. Equally impressive? In a post-talk meet n’ greet with multinational execs, Jim suggested specific World Bank corporate partnership opportunities for each company to consider. Set the tone for the whole event, great vision. WATCH JIM KIM IN CONVERSATION WITH MICHAEL PORTER >>
Finding Tomorrow’s Talent Today – Attendees murmured audibly and shifted in their seats when Kathryn Minshew of The Muse and Ashifi Gogo of Sproxil mentioned 50 million users and 2 billion product authentications, respectively, through their start-ups taking on social challenges. The acquisition of next- gen talent is a top tier opportunity (or threat) for most large companies. Kathryn and Ashifi ably illustrated what many Millennials are expecting from employers – the full integration of business and social purpose, strategy, and execution. Makes you wonder what your next-gen talent thinks of you. WATCH THE SHARED VALUE IN TECHNOLOGY PANEL >>
Making the Case for Equity – Angela Glover Blackwell, PolicyLink’s President, made a compelling case for why equity matters both as a function of changing demographics of the U.S. and how the private sector should see equity as a business opportunity to be seized. Does anyone think this topic is going to diminish in importance especially in the U.S.? No way. Loudest applause over two days, no doubt. WATCH ANGELA GLOVER BLACKWELL'S KEYNOTE ON EQUITY >>
Aligning Business-In-Society Movements – New York Times columnist and moderator Eduardo Porter’s helpful skepticism of how companies will or won’t change with the times was met by the expertise of Raj Sisodia representing conscious capitalism, Mindy Lubber representing sustainability, and Mark Kramer representing shared value. Mixing high-level concepts with hard results, all three made the business case that redrawing the lines between businesses and society is far from a distraction but actually within management’s fiduciary duty. Great to see various business-in-society concepts coming together. WATCH THE COMPLEMENTARY MOVEMENTS PANEL >>
Did you miss the 2016 Shared Value Leadership Summit? You can now watch all 20 plenary sessions of the event online: WATCH ALL SUMMIT VIDEO >>