VMware Achieves 100% on the 2019 Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index

Originally posted on VMware.com
By Bryan Hope, Director of Customer Intelligence and PRIDE@VMware POD Leader, VMware
I am proud to share that VMware has again earned top marks in the Human Rights Campaign 2019 Corporate Equality Index (CEI) and has been recognized as one of the best places to work for LGBTQ equality. The CEI is the premier benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ workplace equality.
The CEI sets a high bar that is raised each year. This moving target requires continuous improvement from participants, and VMware is no exception. This year, we were pleased to meet several newly introduced requirements such as full benefits parity between same-sex and different-sex spouses, including domestic partners. VMware also has no transgender exclusions in any of its benefits plans.
As the VMinclusion Power of Difference (POD) leader at VMware, I am deeply grateful for the many teams at VMware who work tirelessly to advance workplace equality. Even still, we all recognize that this occasion is both a time to celebrate and also to reflect. To acknowledge that our work creating the world’s most diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace is never done, and to keep moving forward.
To learn more about the 2019 Corporate Equality Index or to download a copy of the full report, visit http://www.hrc.org/cei.