Watch the #SVLeaders Summit Live | May 12-13
Featuring sessions with Michael Porter, Western Union, Ford Foundation, and more.

Live Video | Shared Value Leadership Summit: Business at its Best
The 2015 Shared Value Leadership Summit will broadcast live this May 12-13. Join the Shared Value Initiative and 400 shared value leaders from around the world during multiple live streaming sessions on Tuesday, May 12th 9:00-10:30am ET and 4:45-5:45pm ET; and Wednesday May 13th 8:45-10:40am ET.
Visit for details and a full schedule of speakers. Here are some highlights from the featured sessions:
May 12 | 9:00-10:30am ET: The creator of the shared value concept, Prof. Michael E. Porter, will deliver a keynote on the future of the approach and its implications for corporate strategy as we know it. He'll then engage two CEOs, Elizabeth Littlefield of OPIC and Hikmet Ersek of Western Union, in a discussion of how we as leaders can best create the business conditions for social change. Watch>>
May 12 | 4:45-5:45pm ET: Watch keynotes from three cross-sector CEOs who have focused their organizations on global health outcomes. John Lechleiter of Eli Lilly, Karl Hofmann of PSI, and Adrian Gore of Discovery will also engage in a guided discussion on building healthy strategies across an entire enterprise. Watch>>
May 13 | 8:45-9:45am ET: This session will begin with a winning presentation from the Shared Value Storyteller speaker competition: Burcu Gündüz of Koç Holding in Turkey will present on how her company develops the STEM workforce. Then a former US Secretary of Agriculture (Ann Veneman) will engage two CEOs—Nespresso's Jean-Marc Duvoisin and Technoserve's William Warshauer—in a conversation on the importance of partnerships for more socially conscious (and productive) supply chains in food and agriculture. Watch>>
May 13 | 9:45-10:40am ET: Tune in at this time for a lively conversation between Ford Foundation President Darren Walker and Walmart Foundation President Kathleen McLaughlin on the role of philanthropy in shared value. We'll then finish up with an introduction to this year's shared value lab breakout sessions, led by Malcolm Preston of PwC and featuring a live polling session on shared value trends. Watch>>
Please share the link ( with your networks and encourage colleagues, friends, and skeptics to learn about shared value through these exciting sessions. Join the conversation on Twitter by following event hashtag #SVLeaders and@SVInitiative.