Webinar | South Pole Climate Chatter: UPS Carbon Neutral Shipping and Sustainability Initiatives
It's no secret that the shipping business has a large carbon footprint. As companies & consumers look to reduce their own impacts on climate, companies like UPS are helping to make it easier. UPS has offered their customers a boost recently by matching carbon offsets on behalf of customers for the month of June. This is to mark World Environment Day which is June 5. We'll talk about how and why this offering is in place as well as where UPS is going in the future on their climate journey. We'll also discuss the projects UPS is supporting as part of their efforts to offer carbon neutral shipping … Wolf Creek in Georgia, U.S., and, Chol Charoen biogas project in Thailand.
Patrick Browne, UPS's Director of Global Sustainability
Nick Aster, South Pole's Director of Marketing for North America
There will be a 10-15 minute Q&A at the end for any unanswered questions.