Weyerhaeuser Reaches Safety Milestone
Lowest Recordable Incident Rate in company’s history – 0.76

Weyerhaeuser’s commitment to employee and contractor safety is the highest company value, as reported in its on-line Sustainability Report. From senior leadership to front-line supervisors, visible, consistent commitment to safety makes a significant impact. Weyerhaeuser leaders hold themselves and others accountable for demonstrating caring, safe behaviors and correcting hazardous situations. Employees are fully engaged and share responsibility and accountability for safety.
The company has two health and safety goals associated with its Sustainability Roadmap:
•A recordable incident rate of less than one
•More than 90 percent of manufacturing facilities operate injury-free
In 2012, employees achieved their goal of a less-than-one recordable incident rate (0.76), and have demonstrated this performance is sustainable.
The company believes that this result shows that the correct level of attention is being placed on employee and contractor safety and the right processes, training, tools, communications, activities and behaviors are in place.
Read more about Weyerhaeuser’s commitment to safety – and its employees – in its on-line sustainability report here.