What you do is not interesting: Say what you love. A Blog by Peter Korchnak

Oct 19, 2009 9:33 AM ET

What you do is not interesting: Say what you love

If you watch NBC’s The Office, you may have wondered, when, amidst all the shenanigans, do the good people at Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch get any work done. In fact, because you rarely ever see them actually do any work, you’ve probably also wondered what they do. No matter: What they do is not interesting. You watch the show for what happens outside of what they do – it tells you who they are, it tells their story. What makes them interesting is, in great part, what they love. (Just fill in the blanks.)   The same goes for your sustainable marketing. Nobody cares about what you do – everybody else is doing it. They want to know what happens outside of what you do. Because what you do for work is what you get paid for, the things you do because you love doing them make you more interesting – they express who you are, they tell your story.   Click here to continue reading.