Whole Kids Foundation Offers Grant Funding for School Gardens & Bee Programs: Grant Applications Window Open from Sept. 1 – Oct. 15, 2019
Grants valued at $2,000 available for K-12 schools and nonprofits in the U.S. and Canada

WHO: Whole Kids Foundation, a nonprofit focused on children’s nutrition and wellness, invites K–12 schools and nonprofit organizations in the U.S. and Canada to apply for 2020 Garden Grants and Beehive Grants valued at $2,000.
- Garden Grant Program
The Garden Grant program provides a $2,000 monetary grant to support a new edible learning garden for K–12 schools and nonprofits.
- Bee Grant Program
Together, Whole Kids Foundation and The Bee Cause Project are awarding a choice of either monetary or equipment grants valued at $2,000 through the Bee Grant program. This program allows for K-12 schools and nonprofits to receive support for educational beehives, so children can observe bees up close and learn about the vital role these pollinators play in the food system.
WHEN: The application window for both the Garden Grant and Bee Grant is open from Sunday, September 1 – Tuesday, October 15, 2019.
WHERE: Visit the Whole Kids Foundation website at wholekidsfoundation.org for details on both grant programs, application processes and best practices.
WHY: The more kids know and feel connected to their food, the more curious they become about how things grow or taste, and the more willing they are to try new foods.
Edible school gardens help children learn more about where their food comes from and can shape healthy choices for a lifetime, while educational beehives provide learning opportunities around biology, agriculture, ecology, nutrition and business. Since 2011, Whole Kids Foundation has awarded more than $30 million in grants, including 5,452 gardens and 401 educational beehive grants, impacting more than 7.2 million students.
Additionally, Whole Kids Foundation funds Salad Bar Grants for schools with applications accepted year round. See additional programs and funding available to support healthy kids through the foundation HERE.
About Whole Kids Foundation
Whole Kids Foundation supports schools and inspires families to improve children’s nutrition and wellness. Founded by Whole Foods Market in 2011, the independent, nonprofit organization is based in Austin, Texas, and serves schools and organizations in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. For more information on the Foundation’s school programs including school gardens, salad bars, beehives and nutrition education for teachers, visit wholekidsfoundation.org. For ongoing news and updates, follow Whole Kids Foundation on Facebook or Twitter at @WholeKidsFnd.
Media Contact:
Cathy Cochran-Lewis, Communications Director