Why We (and You) Love to DIY
DIY and crafting expert Jean Reed shares advice and inspiration for reusing objects around the house.

Posted on Recyclebank's Live Green Blog
One need only spend a minute browsing Pinterest, YouTube, or Craftster.org to glimpse the ingenuity of crafters, makers, and DIYers at large, and we’re always impressed by the pictures and projects Recyclebankers share with us in Live Green and on our Facebook page, too. Clearly, we aren’t the only ones who love to find reuses for common items around the house! And what’s not to love? DIY reuse projects are a win across the board — they can save money, express creativity, and are just plain fun. Plus — and this is our personal favorite — they usually reduce negative environmental impact. Upcycling something keeps it out of a landfill, and it reduces the resources expended to manufacture something new.
For more DIY and upcycling love, we talked to Jean Reed, veteran crafter and community manager at Craftster.org, an online community for crafters founded in 2003. Over the years, Jean and fellow Craftster members have found many clever ways to repurpose objects. Here she shares her advice, inspirations, and a few favorite projects!