Why We Love TerraCycle
TerraCycle is a company that allows you to recycle and reuse, well, anything.
Aug 17, 2020 9:00 AM ET
Subaru Love Promise: Environment
Originally published on HelpingNinjas.com
TerraCycle gives you a box and then you collect the trash and then you mail it back to them. They turn it into something useful and keep the trash out of the landfill.
My mom met a really nice lady named Shannon Cook. She is the sustainability manager at a place that sells cars and trucks and vans. It’s called Tom Wood Subaru.
My family and our friends in our neighborhood collect things that we give to TerraCycle so they can recycle it. Otherwise, it will end up in the trash can. Which, we all know wher that goes. TerraCycle is awesome. They can help save our planet.
Subaru helps stuff get recycled and re-used at TerraCycle.
Subura loves the Earth so they want to help, just like us.