Wish Kid From Make-A-Wish Goes Above and Beyond to Grant Others' Wishes
Jul 31, 2015 11:00 AM ET
Wish Stories

Make-A-Wish® grants wishes every single day for children with life-threatening illnesses. Some wish children wish to go abroad or meet a favorite celebrity. Others wish to have a pet or be a ballerina. Each of these wishes is unique to the individual wish child, and the impact of a wish granted often lasts a lifetime. Sometimes, wish children are so moved by their own wish experience that they want to have an active role in making wishes come true for other children. Zack, 15 and now cancer-free, is one of those wish children.
To read more about Zack’s story, visit Wish Nation, the official blog of Make-A-Wish, at http://wish.org/wishes/wish-nation-blog/2015/july/zack-gives-back.