Is Your Organization Ready to Transform? Reporting 3.0 Rolls Out Transformation Journey Program
Convenes Workshop Series focused on Sustainable Finance, hosted by ING in Amsterdam, John Hancock in Boston, and McMaster University in Toronto

With increasing recognition of the imperative for companies and investors to transform their business models in order to generate sustainable returns while achieving the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals, there’s greater need for a “transformation blueprint.” Responding to this need, Reporting 3.0 is rolling out the Transformation Journey Program (TJP), based on our Transformation Journey Blueprint, in Workshop Series in Europe and North America. The Workshop Series, which focus on Sustainable Finance, will be hosted by ING in Amsterdam, John Hancock / Manulife in Boston, and McMaster University in Toronto between November 2018 and May 2019. Results will be shared at the 6th International Reporting 3.0 Conference, which Erasmus University will host at the ultra-modern Erasmus Pavilion in Rotterdam on 17/18 June 2019, Reporting 3.0 is pleased to announce.
For more information and registration options on the Transformation Journey Program Workshops, please click here:
Invoking Interface Founder Ray Anderson’s metaphor of “Climbing Mount Sustainability,” Reporting 3.0 structured the Transformation Journey Program in four-stage process, modeled on a mountain climb, to create a progressive approach to transformation at individual, enterprise, industry / portfolio, and economic / social / ecological systems levels. Two-day Workshops will focus on each stage:
- Stage One – Basecamp: Survey the topography (assess business-as-usual trajectory), review factors behind successful and failed peaking attempts (discern incrementalist versus transformative strategies), establish resilient team dynamics (collaborate across organizational boundaries), stress test all gear (vet context-based metrics), etc...
- Amsterdam: 21/22 November 2018
- Boston: 8/9 November 2018
- Toronto: 5/6 November 2018
- Stage Two – Planning the Route: Assess different ascent approaches (conduct scenario analyses) and plot a path that breaks new ground (draft transformation plans to new business models).
- Amsterdam: 30/31 January 2019
- Boston: 11/12 February 2019
- Toronto: 7/8 February 2019
- Stage Three – The Climb: Embark on the journey (pilot transformation projects and programs), monitor progress and remain flexible as alpine conditions change (pursue iterative innovation and develop resilience), align diverse skills and expertise on your team toward common goals (coordinate collaboration at individual, organizational, sectoral, and systems levels).
- Amsterdam: 25/26 February 2019
- Boston: 11/12 March 2019
- Toronto: 7/8 March 2019
- Stage Four – The Mountain Top: Celebrate reaching the peak and start planning the next ascent with more peers (scale up network effects to trigger necessary system changes).
- Amsterdam: 8/9 April 2019
- Boston: 6/7 May 2019
- Toronto: 2/3 May 2019
The focus on Sustainable Finance supports the launch in early 2019 of the second round of Reporting 3.0 Blueprints, with a Sustainable Finance Blueprint atop the list (other Blueprints will focus on the Value Cycle and Governments, Multilaterals, and Foundations). For a sense of some specific themes, the Sustainable Finance focus will cover:
- From ESG Integration to Threshold Investing: Current best practice of ESG Integration represents an incremental step toward the ultimate goal of a sustainable finance system that operates within economic, social & ecological thresholds (i.e. “threshold investing”).
- From Fiduciary Duty to Strategic Duty: Current interpretations of fiduciary duty obsess on short-term shareholder value creation (profit maximization); a proper interpretation (enforceable through redefined case law) calls for a “strategic duty” to ensure long-term system value creation.
- From Monocapitalism to Multicapitalism: Current decision-making in finance predominates on a single capital – financial; sustainable finance bases its decisions on the multiple capitals – particularly respecting their carrying capacities (i.e. Multicapitalism).
- From Enterprise Risk & Portfolio Risk to Systemic Risk & Existential Risk: Traditional finance assesses enterprise risk and portfolio risk; sustainable finance assesses systemic risk and existential risk – including predatory delay risks.
- From Tea & Biscuits Engagement to Forceful Stewardship: Transforming finance to achieve sustainability requires fiduciaries to shift from “tummy tickling” engagement to “Forceful Stewardship” pressing for transformative change of the business models of portfolio holdings.
- From Chasing Alpha to Beta Activism: “Beta Activism” acknowledges that systemic dynamics at the beta level now transcend enterprise- or even portfolio-level dynamics at the alpha level, prompting forward-looking investors to engage on systemic issues.
- From Scenario Analysis to Transformation Planning: Investors should use their influence to encourage portfolio companies to produce transformation plans to new business models that create future value in the context of the SDGs and the Paris Climate Accord.
For more information, please contact:
Bill Baue
Senior Director, Reporting 3.0
Ralph Thurm
Managing Director, Reporting 3.0