Is Your Workplace Giving and Employee Engagement Strategy Delivering?

By Steve Delfin, President and CEO, America’s Charities
Are you and your team working harder than ever to implement the latest workplace giving and employee engagement tactics, but not seeing the results you expected? It might be time to consider a fresh set of eyes and experience to help you realize the new opportunities and potential of a more strategic, progressive employee workplace giving and employee engagement program.
Getting Started:
While workplace giving has evolved well beyond the days of an annual fall campaign for the local United Way, many of the strategies and tactics used by employers remain disconnected from broader corporate social responsibility and people strategy.
There’s been much talk about the need to strategically connect these activities (see America’s Charities 2013 Snapshot Report), and some companies are in fact moving to a more integrated, strategic approach. But others are finding it difficult to break out of old traditions and ways of looking at employee giving.
The key is to look at your employee workplace giving program as part of a larger whole and not an isolated, once-a-year activity disconnected from the broad range of strategic possibilities. And the way to do that is to approach workplace giving like you would any business challenge – with a strategy complete with metrics, accountability and a value proposition that ties to whatever broader social responsibility and people strategy goals your company or organization has deemed a priority.
When providing strategic consulting services for employers interested in developing a more focused, strategic approach to their workplace giving, philanthropy and employee engagement efforts, America’s Charities utilizes the following six step process.