ZLAP Strives to Educate and Reduce Denali Waste
By Kris Capps

Originally published on Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
When the Zero Landfill Initiative came to the Denali Park area, it was the young people who had spread the word. They formed ZLAP, the Zero Landfill Ambassador Program.
This small group of teens, who attend Tri-Valley School, are now being honored for their past three years of dedication to this program.
It all began three years ago when Subaru chose Denali National Park as one of three national parks to move toward the goal of zero waste going into the landfill. Eight middle- and high-school students from Tri-Valley School partnered with Subaru and the park to spread the word about this program. That number grew to include about 35 students from three schools in the Denali Borough.
Subaru has also sponsored these students to attend the National Service Learning Conference for the past couple years. Students will again attend this year and present a presentation about the youth ambassador program. They’ll also present other service learning projects.