9th CBSR Summit on CSR

9th Annual Summit on CSR: Canadian Business as a Global Citizen
October 26, 2011 – Hyatt Regency Hotel, Toronto

Canadian companies operate abroad, our supply chains extend outside our borders, we contribute when disaster strikes overseas, and we have one of the most culturally diverse workforces in the world. How is our social and environmental performance measuring up globally, and where are the opportunities to lead in the future?

Join CBSR on Wednesday, October 26 for a must-attend day of peer networking and learning. Leadership panelists will provide interesting perspectives, inspiration and lively debate on the global role and perception of Canadian business.

Our Keynote Speaker will be Stephen Lewis, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ryerson University, Celebrated Humanitarian and Former UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa.   Additional Summit Speakers include Andrew Heintzman, President & CEO of Investeco, Dr. Michael Schull, Chair of Dignitas International and Past President of Médècins Sans Frontieres Canada, and Janet Longmore, President and CEO of Digital Opportunity Trust.

Learn more and register at: www.cbsr.ca/summit

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Events, Media & Communications

Canadian Business as a Global Citizen: Interview with Jim Harris of Strategic Advantage

Events, Media & Communications

Canadian Business as a Global Citizen: Interview with Doug Miller, Chairman at GlobeScan

Events, Media & Communications

Canadian Business as a Global Citizen: Interview with Andrew Heintzman, President at Investeco

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