Maala - Business for Social Responsibility

Maala is a non-profit corporate membership organization promoting ESG and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Israel. Founded in 1998, Maala is considered as the ESG standards-setting organization in Israel. Presently, the membership organization is comprised of some 130 members, Israel’s largest companies.

Maala publishes the Maala ESG indexes annually on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, and as of 2016 organizes an annual international conference in Tel Aviv.

Our Mission

Helping companies increase their social and environmental impact

  • Sharing practices & mutual learning
  • Flagging priorities & developing joint initiatives
  • Setting voluntary standards for business in Israel

Driving Change through

  1. A network of 120 member companies, Israeli and global companies operating in Israel 2. A hub for sustainable business practices, solutions and cross-sector collaboration.
  2. An annual CSR index rating 153 companies, also traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

Maala ESG Index Facts & Figures

  1. Over 150 companies rated. (vs. 47 when the index was launched in 2006)
    - Approx. half are of Israel’s large companies, rated on the Maala Advanced Index
    - Approx. half are of Israel’s mid-size companies, rated on the Maala Basic Index
  2. Aggregate revenue: $137 billion; over 350,000 employees
  3. TA Maala Index includes half of the total market value traded on the TASE.

Maala ESG Index Main Features

  1. National based index – a prestigious Israeli business club
  2. Local adaptation of global ESG and sustainability standards
  3. A guidebook for local expectations and priorities
  4. Reflects local market business culture