The Orvis Company
Founded by Charles F. Orvis in Manchester, Vermont, in 1856, Orvis is America’s oldest mail-order outfitter and longest continually-operating fly-fishing business. Privately owned by the Perkins family since 1965, today Orvis is an international, multi-channel retailer with more than $340 million in sales (2012) and approximately 1,700 employees. In addition to being the world leader in fly fishing, Orvis is the purveyor of the Distinctive Country Lifestyle, offering a wide assortment of men’s and women’s sportswear, fine gifts and home furnishings, luggage and travel accessories, dog beds and other pet items, as well as fine shotguns, gear, and technical apparel for wingshooting and sporting clays. Orvis sporting services also include fishing and shooting schools, an international sporting and eco-travel agency, and the Orvis-endorsed network of lodges, outfitters and guides. Our award-winning website, orvis.com, offers more than 5,000 products with 11 million visits/year. The company mails more than 50 catalog editions each year, with a total annual circulation in excess of 55 million. As of 2015, Orvis has 69 retail stores and 10 outlets in the US, and 18 retail stores in the UK. Our wholesale division services more than 500 independent dealers worldwide. The Orvis blog (orvis.com/news) offers a wide variety of editorial and educational content to over 1 million visitors per year, with extensive articles and videos about fly fishing, wingshooting, dogs, conservation, and more. Our Learning Center (howtoflyfish.orvis.com) provides the most comprehensive collection of online videos and resources devoted to teaching the world how to fly fish. Orvis donates 5% of pre-tax profits every year to protecting nature, supporting communities, and advancing canine health and well-being.