Siegrist Awarded AHAM Emerging Leader Award

The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) honored multiple home appliance industry professionals for exceptional contributions to the industry during AHAM’s 2019 Annual Member Meeting from April 27-30 in Washington, D.C. One of those individuals was Laura Siegrist, senior manager, Government Relations for Whirlpool Corporation, who was recognized with the Emerging Leader Award for contributions to federal advocacy for the home appliance industry.

Arbor Day Foundation Honors Team Willamette

The Arbor Day Foundation has announced today that Team Willamette of Oregon has been awarded the Foundation’s Headwaters Award. This award celebrates innovative programs — in rural or urban areas — that support the improvement of water quality and quantity through forestry activities.

Modern-Day Nightingales: Meet Three Enterprising Nurses Who Moonlight as Inventors

When you think about groundbreaking healthcare innovations—creations that forever changed how medicine is practiced, like the invention of sutures—chances are you first think of medical device engineers and pharmaceutical scientists brainstorming in a lab.

But there's another category of equally inventive medical professionals who work on the very front lines of healthcare: nurses.

Comerica Bank Receives Cornerstone Award For Financial Education Program

The Texas Bankers Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Texas Bankers Association, presented a Cornerstone Award to Dallas-based Comerica Bank for its Gift of Knowledge project. Kevin Mondy, president and executive director of Project Still I Rise, accepted the award at the Texas Bankers Association’s 135th Annual Convention at the Fairmont in Austin.

ESG Coverage Is Improving

We recently reviewed the ESG coverage status for the 8,686 companies in the MSCI ACWI (All Country World Index). The ACWI is a popular benchmark for many investors, because it includes approximately 85% of the global opportunities for equity investment. We felt it would be useful to see how much ESG information is currently available on the companies on this type of broad index.

Tetra Tech and Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District Win the 2019 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award

Tetra Tech won the prestigious Franz Edelman Award, which recognizes the ways that operation research and analytics are improving how people live and work around the globe. This accolade, which was announced at the INFORMS gala on April 15, 2019, recognizes Tetra Tech’s partnership with the Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) in Kentucky to implement real-time control (RTC) software to manage the city’s sewer network.

The Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA Educational Foundation, and Discovery Education Announce Winners for 2019 ‘Operation Prevention’ Video Challenge

The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the DEA Educational Foundation, and Discovery Education, the leading provider of standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms, today named four first place 2019 Operation Prevention Video Challenge winners.

Intel Named A Top Company for Diversity by DiversityInc

Diversity Inc. published their Top 50 Companies list and Intel was included as No. 50, after having been included as a Noteworthy Company last year. The Diversity Inc. Top 50 list is derived exclusively from corporate survey submissions and companies are evaluated within the context of their own industries. The survey is the most rigorous, data-driven analysis gauging detailed demographics based on race/ethnicity and gender at some of the largest U.S. employers, all in an effort to better assess initiatives to hire, retain and promote women, minorities, people with disabilities, LGBTQ and veterans.

SC Johnson fue nombrada como un Mejor lugar de trabajo de 2019 en México y el Reino Unido

SC Johnson anunció hoy que dos de las operaciones globales de la empresa han sido clasificadas entre los mejores lugares de trabajo en 2019 por Great Place to Work® (Los mejores lugares de trabajo). SC Johnson México fue nombrada en el puesto n.º 8 de mejor lugar de trabajo en el país y el equipo del Reino Unido de SC Johnson obtuvo el puesto n.º 20 en la lista de mejores lugares de trabajo del Reino Unido.

SC Johnson Named 2019 Best Workplace in Mexico and United Kingdom

SC Johnson today announces that two of the company’s global operations have been ranked among the best workplaces in 2019 by Great Place to Work®. SC Johnson Mexico was named the No. 8 Best Workplace on the list of companies in the country with 500-5,000 employees, and the SC Johnson United Kingdom team earned the No. 20 spot on the list of Best Large Workplaces in the U.K.

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  8. WWF Sustainability Works Blog
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  9. IWBI | WELL Building Standard
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  10. Corporate Social Responsibility
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