Sodexo, a food services and facilities management company committed to improving Quality of Life, announced today that it has been named to the National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) 2018 Top Companies for Executive Women list for the fifth consecutive year. The list commends companies that champion women and empower them to make decisions that affect their company’s future and its bottom line.
NBCUniversal was awarded the most Environmental Media Award (EMA) Green Seals of any other producing studio.
NBCUniversal kept its lead in sustainable production by being awarded the most Environmental Media Award (EMA) Green Seals of any other producing studio.
Each year the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption ranks the nation’s employers based on their adoption benefits. This self-reported list is a way to highlight the organizations in the United States who stand with us in our support of adoption and adoption benefits that allow more and more families to grow through adoption.
El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, el World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel), y RioSlum Studio están orgullosos en anunciar el lanzamiento de “El Poder de Crecer: Concurso Impulsado por La Red de Innovación e Impacto” (El Poder de Crecer). El Poder de Crecer busca identificar y premiar a organizaciones que están empoderando a microemprendimientos en Centroamérica.
Launching the online GRI Standards Report Registration System: It allows users to notify GRI of the use of the GRI Standards, fulfilling the requirement to inform about reports that are prepared in accordance with, or referencing, the GRI Standards.
Por 13.º año consecutivo, SC Johnson Venezuela ha recibido un premio al Mejor Lugar de Trabajo otorgado por Great Place to Work® Institute por su enfoque en el desarrollo de equipos y en la confianza. La organización obtuvo el puesto n.º1 en el ranking de 2018 de los mejores lugares para trabajar en el país.
For the 13th consecutive year, SC Johnson Venezuela has received a Best Workplace Award by the Great Place to Work® Institute for their focus on team development and trust. The organization earned the No. 1 spot in the 2018 ranking for Best Workplace in the country.
The National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) named Merck as one of its 2018 NAFE Top Companies for Executive Women. The award recognizes U.S. corporations where women have significant clout to make the decisions that affect their company’s future and its bottom line. The NAFE Top 70 Companies are featured in the April/May issue of Working Mother.
GreenBiz Group, in partnership with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, is opening nominations for the 2018 class of "30 Under 30" honorees, showcasing the next generation of sustainable business leaders.
Per il tredicesimo anno, SC Johnson Italia è stata premiata dall’Istituto Great Place to Work® come uno dei Best Workplace. L’organizzazione si è aggiudicata il 19 posto nella classifica 2018 delle migliori aziende multinazionali di medie dimensioni del Paese.
The ESG Talk podcast features candid conversations with business leaders from around the world. In season four, co-hosts Mandi McReynolds, Steve Soter...
Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
At Duke Energy, we’re always improving operations and finding smart, safe and innovative ways to power the communities we serve. We’re embracing new...
Cascale shares insights regarding policy and regulation impacting the consumer goods industry, and highlights how it's supporting members prepare for...