The journey after a cancer diagnosis often involves juggling schedules, managing treatment plans and trying to glean as much information from health care providers as possible — not to mention the emotions that one must process.
In this episode, Dr. Laura Mauri shares the career path that started with an early interest in medicine brought, at least partly, by her mother’s cancer diagnosis.
The Board of Directors has aligned its activities to oversee the organization from an ESG perspective. Different committees of the Board and, in some cases the full Board itself, oversee various areas.
In episode 5 of Teal Talks, Harris sits down with Dr. Laura Makaroff, SVP, prevention and early detection, American Cancer Society, and Merck’s Dr. Scot Ebbinghaus, and Steve Keefe, AVP, to discuss cancer prevention and advances in screening.
With the ambitious aim of getting 70 per cent of adults in Tokyo participating in sport at least once a week, city authorities are creating opportunities for citizens to be more active.
With the expansion of Mobile Labs’ fleet from three to six trucks, Medtronic will go from training 2,000 healthcare providers (HCPs) a year on how to use our technologies to more than 5,000 in 38 states across the United States.
Investors are also strategically using their investments to support communities that are currently experiencing the direct effects of climate change in their everyday lives.
While cancer remains one of the greatest global health challenges, there have been unprecedented breakthroughs and innovations in cancer research in recent years, and more people are living longer with cancer than ever before.
Q4HE is helping Healthy NewsWorks expand its programming to help more students develop communication skills that will empower a lifetime of critical thinking.
Jim’s leadership has strengthened Quest’s partnerships with the nation’s largest health plans and health systems, integrated our regional lab acquisitions, and driven the evolution of our ESG strategy.
The Verizon Foundation serves as an incubator for exploring how our technical and human resources can be applied in new ways to the practical concerns...