“Connected Roads” Lane Markings on The Ray to Improve Driver Safety & Facilitate Safe Testing of Self-Driving Vehicles

The Georgia DOT, 3M and The Ray announced that all lanes of the 13 miles of Interstate 85, from the Georgia-Alabama border to Exit 13-LaGrange, are now marked with 3M’s Connected Roads All Weather Elements striping technology.

Will Automation Level the Playing Field for Women in Manufacturing and Tech?

While much of the narrative surrounding automation focuses on the potential for job losses, it is primarily a story of opportunity for those who, like Warren, have the chance to develop new skills.

Ingersoll Rand Introduces Future Climate Company, Trane Technologies

Ingersoll-Rand plc (NYSE: IR) today introduced its pure-play climate company, announcing the new company name, strategy and executive leadership team.

The New Climate for Ever-Evolving Technology: Q&A With Patrick Browne, Director, Sustainability, UPS

BSR interviews UPS Director of Sustainability Patrick Browne on the types of new technologies UPS has deployed, the impact they have had so far, and plans to further integrate tech into their sustainability strategy for 2020 and beyond.

Allied Against Cancer: Leveraging Technology and Multi-Sector Collaboration to Help Improve the Quality of Cancer Care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Allied Against Cancer is focused on helping to improve access to quality cancer care, leveraging the expertise and networks of all of our organizations to change the perception that surviving cancer is hopeless in low-resource settings.

What Learning Should Be: Skillsbuild Creates a Path for Lifelong Learning Journey

SkillsBuild is a digital platform providing jobseekers—including those with long-term unemployment, refugees, asylum seekers and veterans—a multimodal journey.

IBMers Build STEM Skills in One of Latin America's Fastest Growing Tech Economies

My city of Guadalajara is known as the Mexican Silicon Valley for its rapidly increase and use of technology, solutions in the cloud, AI, and IoT. To continue growing, we have to invest in skills – early on. That’s where IBM saw an opportunity.

Human Traffickers on Notice as IBM Activates AI Crime Fighting Tool

IBM has activated the Traffik Analysis Hub (TA Hub), used by public, private, and not-for-profit organizations as they collaborate to disrupt human trafficking.

Human Rights Day 2019: BSR Reflections on the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights

As we look ahead to 2020, what are the pivotal human rights issues that businesses should be paying attention to? Here’s what BSR heard at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights.

Research: How Technology Could Promote Growth in 6 African Countries

Africa is closely watched as the next big growth market – a description that has persisted for a while.

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