Research, Reports & Publications

SAIC Publishes Fifth Annual Corporate Responsibility Report

Science Applications International Corp.

Research, Reports & Publications

What Do Georgians Think About Composting? New Research From UGA

Ray C. Anderson Foundation

Black & Veatch: LNG Technology, Infrastructure Requirements Push Collaborative Natural Gas Solutions

The newly released 2017 Strategic Directions: Natural Gas Industry Report by Black & Veatch examines how organizations are planning for long-term, sustainable operations that can accommodate rising supplies and deliver them to markets eager to use natural gas as a cheaper and cleaner power generation source.

eBay Releases 2016 Diversity & Inclusion Report

This is the first Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Report that we’ve issued since spinning off PayPal in 2015. Given the impact we knew this organizational change would have on our culture, size and business strategy, we made a deliberate decision to wait until we had at least a full year as a standalone company behind us before issuing this report.

Reporting on the SDGs: Measuring Today’s Contributions and Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders

GRI is strengthening the contribution of the private sector to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by helping make reporting on them more comparable, encouraging private sector engagement and supporting collaboration between business and academia to prepare the next generation of sustainability leaders. ​Read about recent SDG related events here.

New Report Finds Increased Investment in Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Far Outweigh Costs

As automakers continue to bring new electric vehicles to the marketplace, electric utilities are grappling with the challenge of deploying adequate electric vehicle charging infrastructure to ensure that vehicles can be charged reliably. A new analysis released today by the sustainability nonprofit organization Ceres and M.J. Bradley & Associates finds that the benefits of increased investment in electric vehicle charging infrastructure outweigh the costs by more than 3 to 1.

Message from the Chairperson of the Corporate Responsibility (CR) Committee

Corporate Responsibility is core to our business philosophy. Given the environmental and social considerations facing our communities and our planet, we firmly believe that sustainable and responsible operating practices not only enhance our competitiveness for the short and long term, but such practices make LIXIL a more trusted contributor to the communities in which we work and live.

Marathon Petroleum Corp. Expands Safety and Greenhouse Gas Data Reporting

Marathon Petroleum Corp. (NYSE: MPC) has released its 2017 Citizenship Report, which includes expanded data on safety, greenhouse gas emissions, process safety events, waste generation and more.

Improving Positive Environmental Contributions from Products and Services

The LIXIL Group’s Environmental Vision 2030 outlines the Group’s medium- to long-term goals for water conservation and environmental sustainability. Under this vision, we are working to achieve a Net Zero Environmental Footprint by 2030.

Since product use represents about 80% of the overall environmental footprint of our entire value chain, efforts to enhance our products and services are key to achieving our Environmental Vision 2030.

In FYE2017, we made a Group-wide effort to evaluate and reduce our environmental footprint in our entire value chain around the world.

Improving Global Sanitation & Hygiene

Even today, about 2.4 billion people—one in every three globally—live without access to proper sanitation. Recognizing the magnitude of the challenge, in FYE2016, LIXIL pledged to provide better sanitation to 100 million people by 2020. Since then, we have been accelerating our efforts to deliver viable toilet solutions to areas lacking adequate sanitation.

CLP Shares Sustainability Reporting Insights in WBCSD’s Reporting Matters

The CLP Group shares its Asia Pacific perspective and approach to monitoring key trends for sustainability in the latest edition of Reporting matters.

In the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) annual review of member company sustainability reports, CLP highlighted the importance of tracking the trends that are changing the business landscape and the need for incorporating the trends into a company’s strategy to maintain a sustainable business.

GRI November Podcast Out

With the UN Climate Change Conference COP23 taking place in Germany early November, this month's GRI podcast features an interview with Munich Airport telling about their innovative ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We also have a report from our Regional Hub China, and a round-up of the latest sustainability news.

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  2. A Culture of Inclusion
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  3. CARE News & Stories
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  4. Forests
    Managing our forests sustainably and protecting water, wildlife, and species at risk.
  5. AEG's Commitment to Social Impact and Volunteerism
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  6. Nasdaq Events & Sponsorship
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  7. FedEx | Global Entrepreneurship
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  8. 2024 SAIC Corporate Responsibility Report
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  9. License to Operate
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  10. Environmental Sustainability
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