Edith Dorsen is the founder and Managing Director of the Women's Venture Capital Fund, which focuses on investing in companies with diverse leadership.
This whitepaper captures the discussion from a roundtable, convened by Helen Pradas-Page on 3 March 2020, under Chatham House rules, where we asked the question ‘How Can Successful Stewardship be Meaningfully Reported?'
The Scotiabank Women Initiative™ announced its involvement in the Montreal edition of WiSE24, Women's International Showcase of Entrepreneurs, in collaboration with Scotiabank, Roynat Capital and Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And anyone who has looked at the global economic forecast lately is probably willing to consider a few ways to ensure that GDP growth doesn’t slow to a grinding halt.
"We're in a super difficult moment. We need to reimagine capitalism," Henderson, a professor at Harvard Business School, and member of the Ceres’ board of directors, said in her opening remarks at Ceres 2020.
This is a photo of a loan group called Unity Group made up of microentrepreneurs in the poor, northern Accra suburb of Pokuase served by Whole Planet Foundation’s Ghanaian microfinance partner ID Ghana.
Our banking and finance team are proud to have partnered with London CIV, who today announced the appointment of Jacqueline Jackson as their Head of Responsible Investment.
Seventh Generation donates to Whole Planet Foundation to fund microloans for the world’s poorest people - mostly women - living in communities where Whole Foods Market sources products.
It takes the combined efforts of our generous stakeholders to create opportunities around the globe. Suppliers who sell products in select Whole Foods Market stores donate to alleviate global poverty through Whole Planet Foundation.
The ESG Talk podcast features candid conversations with business leaders from around the world. In season four, co-hosts Mandi McReynolds, Steve Soter...
Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
At Duke Energy, we’re always improving operations and finding smart, safe and innovative ways to power the communities we serve. We’re embracing new...
Cascale organizes and participates in a series of events, leveraging its position as a global convener of close to half the sector to bring together...