Record Number of Climate Change Shareholder Resolutions Filed This Year

by Gina-Marie Cheeseman
Apr 1, 2016 5:00 PM ET
Campaign: CSR Blogs


Climate change is a big issue facing the world. It is also one of the key issues investors will consider in 2016 proxy statements.

Environmental issues and sustainable governance make up 40 percent of the total of shareholder resolutions, according to As You Sow’s Proxy Preview 2016 report. A record number of shareholder resolutions address climate change, with 94 this year compared to 82 in 2015. Twenty-two of them ask fossil fuel extractors and suppliers to provide details of how climate change will affect their operations and how they will respond if governments follow through with the commitments they made in Paris in December to keep fossil fuels in the ground.

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Photo: Flickr/mrpbps

Gina-Marie Cheeseman is a central California-based journalist who writes about sustainability, environmental issues, and healthy living. With a degree in journalism and a passion for social responsibility, she writes for a number of online publications. She believes that collaboration between the public and private sectors can help solve many problems facing the planet and its people. named Cheeseman as one of the “75 Environmentalists to Follow on Twitter.”