CSR Blogs

If only sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) were simple and easy to execute. On the contrary, their very complexity is shifting and shaping the current and global professional landscape. And with these changes come a host of new questions, a bevy of new challenges, countless creative successes, and even more demoralizing failures as businesses, nonprofits, governments, and individuals attempt to embrace sustainability and CSR on both the professional and personal levels.

In this everchanging space, Justmeans Staff writers use their knowledge and expertise to bring you the leading stories and facts to help readers stay current on all these issues. As the business world continues to grapple with sustainability and CSR, Justmeans will continue to write about it.

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How Unchecked Climate Change Will Impact the US Economy
The biggest obstacle standing in the way of prioritized, coordinated, effective action against cataclysmic climate instability over the coming years and decades is the US Republican party. These individuals and their ideological followers stand in defiance of reason, science and a global consensus on the need for urgent action in the name of protecting the fortunes of their patrons.


​D​.light ​L​aunches ​A​ffordable ​S​olar ​Bundle ​Iin Nairobi
Nairobi​ in​​ Kenya​ was the setting where​ d.light, a global solar kit maker, launched its off-grid solar syste​m​ X850. The launch took place June 27 at the company’s headquarters in ​the African capital​ and is its first offering of a platform-based solar system for customers.

Innovation & Technology

New Business and Investment Trends Promise Healthy Disruption
In recent years, there has been a sharp rise in the number of disruptive businesses that connect supply and demand on a digital platform. Going beyond digital, another strong trend is artificial intelligence, which promises to be a major disrupter of the future.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Experts Forecast How to Succeed In Future Food and Beverage Sector
The recent years have seen a major shift in people's relationship with food and drink, which have acquired a much more funcional role in​ our​ lives. ​Like in other sectors, data is key and the public want as much information as possible to make a purchasing decision.​ For that reason, the food and beverage industr​ies have to adapt to cater to new demands and needs, lest they could fall ​lag behind.


NYS Energy Symposium Shows Determination and Direction

Innovation & Technology

Ultimately Human: The Leaders and the Led
The artist Ross Rossin’s portrait exhibition, ‘Ultimately Human: The Leaders and the Led’ opened at the United Nations (UN) Geneva on 28 October. This exhibition at the UN juxtaposes world leaders with Indian faces. Sangeeta Haindl had the opportunity to speak to Rossin.


Off-grid Solar Sparks Energy Revolution in Africa
Many parts of Africa that were never linked to an electric grid are skipping that bit and racing ahead with the solar revolution, thanks to off-grid solar. Several companies, including Off Grid Electric, Bboxx, Azuri Technologies and M-Kopa, have built a massive customer base that is bringing sustainable progress to that part of the world.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Exclusive Interview with Michael Møller UN Under-Secretary-General, DG of the UN Office, Geneva
I recently attended the art exhibition, ‘Ultimately Human: The Leaders and the Led,’ by the very talented and renowned artist, Ross Rossin, held at the United Nations in Geneva. The show was opened by Michael Møller, Director-General (DG) of the UN and had the opportunity to interview him about business and global leadership, ethics, the spirit of humanity and the challenges ahead facing the planet. The DG warns us that we are running out of time

Innovation & Technology

WE DO. Print Runs the Perfect Apprentice Scheme for Disadvantaged Youth
Rising tuition fees and low pay for UK graduates has led to a rapid rise in apprenticeships, as young people seek an alternative to academic qualifications. However, children in care face unique challenges with disruptions at home and school and is reflected in the grades they achieve, which can then hamper their entry criteria for apprenticeships. Therefore, to level the playing field, when an employer considers whether to take on a disadvantaged young person, their potential to complete the course and do well should be taken into account, along with their entry qualifications.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Harvard Business Review Ranks The World’s Best Performing CEOs
Each year, CEOs face new and different challenges in order to keep their companies running smoothly, particularly now during these uncertain volatile times that includes geopolitical issues, such as the Brexit vote, the Middle East, and the US election. So, what makes a CEO successful and how do some business leaders still manage to train their sights on the long term and deliver strong performance over many years? Well, the latest Harvard Business Review (HBR) 2016 list reveals the world’s top performers; these are the 100 best performing CEOs, based on both financial and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) measures of the leaders’ entire time in office.

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