Refed Proposes $18B Plan to Solve America’s Food Waste Problem

by Vikas Vij
Mar 24, 2016 9:00 AM ET
Campaign: CSR Blogs


Americans throw away a staggering amount of food each year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that over one-third of the vegetables and fruit bought annually by Americans are wasted. Food waste costs the economy $218 billion annually, and the environmental cost of the food that sits in landfills is 3.3 billion tons of GHG emissions each year. According to the USDA, cutting waste by just 15 percent would provide enough food for 25 million people each year.

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Image Credit: Flickr via jonmckeequeen

Vikas is a staff writer for the Sustainable Development news and editorial section on Justmeans. He is an MBA with 20 years of managerial and entrepreneurial experience and global travel. He is the author of "The Power of Money" (Scholars, 2003), a book that presents a revolutionary monetary economic theory on poverty alleviation in the developing world. Vikas is also the official writer for an international social project for developing nations "Decisions for Life" run in collaboration between the ILO, the University of Amsterdam and the Indian Institute of Management.