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A group of the world’s leading engineering and construction companies have launched the Building Responsibly Worker Welfare Principles to promote the rights and welfare of workers across the industry.

Sustainable Development Goals
Whirlpool Corporation
Whirlpool EMEA today announces that it has successfully responded to the EU Commission invitation to come forward with voluntary pledges on reducing plastics waste and boosting the uptake of recycled plastics.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Water Challenge, Preserving a Global Resource, was published in partnership with Columbia University. The report analyses financial and technical solutions the energy industry can use to lower water-related costs and improve its fresh-water…
Sustainable Development Goals
Reuters Events Sustainable Business
The increasing focus and push towards the UN Global Goals and 2-degree target requires businesses to disclose accurate data to showcase future risks, demonstrate the long-term value of the business and show their impact on the SDGs.
Sustainable Development Goals
Whirlpool Corporation
After achieving its energy and water intensity goals three years early, Whirlpool Corporation has set significant new Greenhouse Gas Emission (GHG) goals. The new science-based targets will exceed the original U.S. commitments to the Paris Climate…
Sustainable Development Goals
I recently had the opportunity to participate in a workshop on Vertical Farming as a pre-summit event at the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit in San Francisco. I had the pleasure of joining key leaders from this promising new industry to discuss…
Sustainable Development Goals
Tetra Tech
Terri Stiffler began her professional career as an electrical engineer in the defense industry. She changed jobs, moving into the environmental and international development field to pursue her passions of protecting the environment and improving…
Sustainable Development Goals
If you eat, you need bees. In fact, one in three bites of our food relies on honey bee pollination. This, naturally, means that farmers rely on honey bee pollination. With increasing food demands due to population growth, we all need modern…
Sustainable Development Goals
Graduate students in Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs program joined Barclays this spring in a commitment to help address stresses on the world’s freshwater supplies through a Capstone workshop. This was the…
Sustainable Development Goals
3BL Forum
The implications are clear for publicly traded companies, said the ratings agency: “We may begin to see institutional investors build climate risk factors into their portfolio selection processes, thereby placing greater emphasis on climate when…
Sustainable Development Goals
PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI), a Freeport-McMoRan company, has an extensive Community Economic Development program in the region where it operates in Papua, Indonesia. PTFI’s Social Local Development department worked in partnership with the local…
Sustainable Development Goals
3BL Forum
Of the several big issues that have attracted the attention of brands taking stands recently, climate change looks to be topping the agendas of the world’s largest companies.
Sustainable Development Goals
Cisco Systems Inc.
As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, Cisco and the Cisco Foundation support nonprofit organizations that serve people who are displaced by humanitarian crises and natural disasters.
Sustainable Development Goals
Schneider Electric
UN Secretary­ General Antonio Guterres has appointed Jean-Pascal Tricoire, President of Global Compact France and Chairman & CEO of Schneider Electric, to the United Nations Global Compact Board on June 10, 2018. This high-ranking board advises…
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact is pleased to announce today new Members to its Board, appointed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Seven new Board Members have been appointed alongside remaining Members and the previously announced Vice-…
Sustainable Development Goals
The documentary, titled “The Power of Clean Water,” follows the lives of three women and their families, providing a first-hand perspective on the daily challenges of accessing clean drinking water. As the film progresses, viewers witness how P&…
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
The UN Global Compact Bulletin is designed to keep participants up to date on news, actions you can take, resources and events. Participants are encouraged to look to this monthly communication for important information. Please note that actions and…
Sustainable Development Goals
NRG Energy
Sustainable Development Goals
Carnival Corporation & plc
The Bellona Foundation and Carnival Corporation & plc, the world’s largest cruise company with nine global cruise line brands, have signed an agreement of cooperation where the parties agree to work together to continue improving environmental…
Sustainable Development Goals
Tetra Tech
Tetra Tech’s work with Power Africa is proof of concept. We support four distribution companies in Nigeria that had high losses, low collections, a proliferation of illegal connections, and aging infrastructure. We partnered with the companies to…
Sustainable Development Goals
Consumers Energy
Consumers Energy today announced it is seizing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape Michigan’s energy future with a plan that embodies its Triple Bottom Line commitment to people, the planet and prosperity.

Sustainable Development Goals
In this Q&A, Chris Lloyd, Verizon’s Director of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy, and Chair of the GeSI Human Rights Committee, shares his views on the industry’s responsibility to support human rights.
Sustainable Development Goals
A leading global food company that celebrated its 150th birthday in 2016 is the first brand to share its work on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a 3BL Media professional development webinar series kicking off June 19 at 10…
Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations Global Compact
Friday, on World Oceans Day, the United Nations Global Compact launched the newly formed Sustainable Ocean Business Action Platform — a three-year global programme bringing together business, civil society, the UN and Governments to advance the…
Sustainable Development Goals
Tetra Tech
Jeremy Gorelick, senior infrastructure finance advisor for the Tetra Tech-implemented U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Finance (WASH-FIN) project, discusses the reality of decreasing water levels in…
Sustainable Development Goals