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Food production and food security will be featured prominently at this year's COP… and for good reason: devastating crop losses were apparent this summer, and climate is putting an increasing strain on agriculture.
Sustainable Development Goals
SCS Global Services
SCS Global Services (SCS) announced that its founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Stanley Rhodes, passed away late last week.
Sustainable Development Goals
The health of the planet and human health are inextricably linked. In 2021, the World Health Organization stated that climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. The healthcare industry is responsible for nearly 5% of global…
Sustainable Development Goals
Produce, use, reuse – by 2025, we want to design and develop 100 percent of Henkel's packaging so that it can be reused or recycled as completely as possible.
Sustainable Development Goals
Baker Tilly
As someone who works with mid-market teams to launch IPOs, Thomas said she urges companies to take on ESG in moderation.
Sustainable Development Goals
GRI in North America
GRI’s focus on standardized reporting, improved efficiency and precision in data collection, as well as disclosure auditability helps prevent corporate greenwashing.
Sustainable Development Goals
At Lenovo, our approach to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is driven by our vision to provide smarter technology that builds a brighter, more sustainable future for our customers, colleagues, communities, and the planet.
Sustainable Development Goals
World leaders will convene en masse at the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals Summit in a desperate attempt to reunite the global population in its efforts to align with, and reach, the set sustainability targets.
Sustainable Development Goals
The Crop Science Sustainability Progress Report supplements the Bayer AG Sustainability Report and provides a closer look at the many ways the Crop Science division is advancing sustainable agriculture and creating the best possible outcomes for…
Sustainable Development Goals
Cisco Systems Inc.
In a panel discussion led by Cisco within the Energy and Transition stream of Climate Week NYC’s “The Hub Live”, experts explored the topics of “transforming grids globally, and the role of technology, digitalization, and collaboration on the road…
Sustainable Development Goals
Mondelēz International
A more sustainable supply of key raw materials such as cocoa, wheat, dairy, and palm oil is critical to the continued growth and success of our business, to the resilience and prosperity of the communities producing these raw materials, and to the…
Sustainable Development Goals
Aramark Collegiate Hospitality is proud to announce a new culinary partnership with Audubon Nature Institute’s Gulf United for Lasting Fisheries (G.U.L.F.) sustainable seafood program.
Sustainable Development Goals
We are now at the midpoint of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) timeline, and a key takeaway of UN General Assembly (UNGA) 2023 discussions is that there is still much work to be done. The latest UN data illustrates that progress on 80% of…
Sustainable Development Goals
Sofidel's growth strategy aligns with the United Nations 2030 Agenda which includes building an inclusive, resilient and sustainable future for people and the planet.
Sustainable Development Goals
As the world’s sustainability challenges intensify, the demands placed on business have never been greater – from developing science-based net-zero strategies, to aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to disclosing their risks, impacts…
Sustainable Development Goals
Boston Scientific
At Boston Scientific, caring for human life is the common bond that connects our mission, business priorities and environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy.
Sustainable Development Goals
Guided by our Global Water Policy and global EHS management system, we work to advance responsible water stewardship in our operations and support communities’ access to clean water and sanitation.
Sustainable Development Goals
UN Global Compact Network UK
The UN Global Compact Network UK has launched the SDG Playbook for SMEs, the go-to guide for smaller companies to unlock the competitive advantages of embracing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Sustainable Development Goals
Owens Corning
Although Patty Hemmelgarn has only been with Owens Corning since 2021, she brings with her a wealth of experience in air quality management. Patty has focused on air quality and compliance for her whole career, including at a consulting firm working…
Sustainable Development Goals
Roughly half of our Wildlight development project north of Jacksonville, Florida, has been dedicated as a conservation habitat network (CHN).
Sustainable Development Goals
Cisco Systems Inc.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate science says we must limit warming to no more than 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
Sustainable Development Goals
Sofidel promotes sustainable energy sources and has achieved greater energy efficiency in its plants and processes, including its Green Bay operations.
Sustainable Development Goals
Crown Holdings, Inc.
As evidenced by our Twentyby30™ program objectives and progress, the manufacturing sector is critical to global sustainability and drives more environmental and social initiatives than many people realize.
Sustainable Development Goals
Bennamann, a British-based clean energy company and its partner New Holland Agriculture (a brand of CNH Industrial) was recently visited at the John Lewis Partnership’s Leckford Estate by Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)…
Sustainable Development Goals
As a healthcare company with a global reach, we are committed to taking action against climate change, which poses health dangers on a worldwide scale.
Sustainable Development Goals