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SiMPACT Strategy Group
Take the LBG Canada Mini Survey and tell us how your company acknowledges executive interest in community!

The LBG Canada program provides community investment professionals with data analytics to inform long term strategy, daily work…
Research, Reports & Publications
Caterpillar Inc.
At Caterpillar, we know what it means to be bold. It’s appropriate, then, that in 2017, for the first time, Caterpillar served as an International Women’s Day partner; and the 2017 theme was #BeBoldForChange.
Research, Reports & Publications
Subaru of America, Inc.
Despite rising gas prices, millions of Americans will be packing up the family SUV and taking to the highways on weekend excursions and extended vacations alike. And given the cost of care and boarding, a large percentage of them will be taking…
Research, Reports & Publications
Black & Veatch
The cost of energy storage has fallen to the point where the power generation industry is moving from demonstration projects to full deployment. Driven by demand and a federal order designed to nurture broader adoption of storage capabilities,…
Research, Reports & Publications
Caterpillar Inc.
Assembly processes that include awkward postures for employees can lead to an increased risk of ergonomic injury. Click here to learn more about how the Piracicaba, Brazil, facility took steps to evaluate ergonomic risks and find solutions.
Research, Reports & Publications
Research, Reports & Publications
Caterpillar Inc.
Click here to learn about three examples of how Caterpillar is working safer at the Athens, GA, and Thiruvallur, India, facilities and the Melbourne Distribution Centre.
Research, Reports & Publications
We have dedicated the past two years to transforming our business. During that time, we have quickly built up our market-leading portfolio through internal innovation, as well as through the acquisition of several strategic cyber security companies…
Research, Reports & Publications
As part of its commitment to climate action, Symantec set a goal in 2016 to reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30 percent over a 10-year period (FY16 to FY25 with a FY15 baseline). Through investments in energy conservation and…
Research, Reports & Publications
magine you’ve been working as an accounting clerk or on an assembly line or in a textile factory for the past 20 years. You’re great at your job and you’ve honed your craft skills over the years. Lately you’ve been seeing signs of change, noticing…
Research, Reports & Publications
University of Michigan: Erb Institute | Business for Sustainability
Yale economist William Nordhaus has devoted his life’s work to understanding the costs of climate change and advocating the use of a carbon tax to curb global warming.
Research, Reports & Publications
Black & Veatch
From a municipal airport in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to a school district in Salinas, California, microgrid projects are popping up across the country, fueled by the desire for energy cost savings, sustainability, reliability and resilience.…
Research, Reports & Publications
Astellas today issued its third-annual Americas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report Card. The Report Card, which can be found here, outlines the company's progress made during Fiscal Year 2017 to fulfill its commitments to patients,…
Research, Reports & Publications
The recent BSR and GlobeScan State of Sustainable Business 2018survey is a great testament to the progress of corporate action on sustainability and provides insight into how companies are preparing for the next 10 years as they respond to a rapidly…
Research, Reports & Publications
Caterpillar Inc.
Our success contributes to the social stability of regions around the world. Caterpillar and our employees focus on contributing time and resources to promoting the health and welfare of communities in which we work and live. We conduct our business…
Research, Reports & Publications
Corporate Citizenship are seeking corporate sustainability communications experts, practitioners, sustainability information consumers, and thought leaders for their views on effective corporate sustainability communications.
Research, Reports & Publications
As part of its commitment to climate action, Symantec set a goal in 2016 to reduce Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30 percent over a 10-year period (FY16 to FY25 with a FY15 baseline). Through investments in energy conservation and…
Research, Reports & Publications
Caterpillar Inc.
Caterpillar’s Code of Conduct – Our Values in Action – defines what Caterpillar stands for and what we believe in, documenting uncompromisingly high ethical standards for our company. The Code of Conduct helps Caterpillar employees every day by…
Research, Reports & Publications
Black & Veatch
Maturing technologies and a growing emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability are leading organizations to manage more DER than in the past. Bolstered by more financial and mechanical flexibility behind the meter, companies are becoming…
Research, Reports & Publications
NAEM's EHS & Sustainability Staffing, Structure and Budgets report allows you to benchmark the design of your company's staffing and structure based on industry, revenue, head count and risk profile. It also provides detailed…
Research, Reports & Publications
Franklin Templeton
Pawl Wroblewski, Portfolio Manager at Clearbridge Investments, shares perspective on the most attractive investment opportunities in the electric vehicle revolution.
Research, Reports & Publications
Caterpillar Inc.
Product stewardship covers the full lifespan of our equipment – from the supply chain to the customer’s job site to remanufacturing. This means taking active steps to reduce potential environmental, health and safety impacts, as well as optimizing…
Research, Reports & Publications
Four in ten of the world’s largest companies reference the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their corporate reporting. But there is not yet an established process, benchmark or standard for companies to follow when reporting on their SDG-…
Research, Reports & Publications
CECP: Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose
Investing in Society, CECP’s recently launched compendium of data, research, and case studies illustrates innovations in corporate efforts to solve the world’s most pressing problems. Divided into five sections – Priorities, Performance, People,…
Research, Reports & Publications
Today, American Express published its 2017-2018 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report, which details the company’s progress to strengthen its backing of all its stakeholders.

American Express’ approach to CSR is an extension of…
Research, Reports & Publications