21CF Businesses Celebrate Earth Day with Photo Contests, Nat Geo Features, Days of Service, and More

21st Century Fox Social Impact
Since the launch of its corporate sustainability program in 2007, 21st Century Fox has consistently made Earth Day a focal point of its yearly calendar, regularly extending its celebration into a full month of activities engaging colleagues around the world. From the FOX network's annual "Green It. Mean It." PSA campaign, now in its ninth year, to a long tradition of spring volunteer events, 21CF's global colleagues embrace Earth Day as a time to take action in their own lives to better the environment, as well as inspire others to care about the planet. Here are some of the ways we're doing so this year.
Sharing our love of nature with the "Explore Your World" photo contest
21CF's third-annual Earth Month photo competition is encouraging global employees to combine photography skills and their love of the outdoors by sharing their best nature photos on social media using the hashtag #21CFExplore. This year is the most successful for the contest to date, with thousands of entries pouring in from all corners of the business, featuring employees and their families riding backs, hiking, rock climbing, planting gardens, visiting local and national parks, and more.
Encouraging our viewers to live greener
Throughout the month of April, FOX Broadcasting Company is continuing its commitment to "Green It. Mean It.," an initiative designed to raise both viewer and employee awareness of environmental issues. The on-air campaign includes tips from FOX talent about how viewers can live greener both at home and at work. Stars from Empire, Scream Queens, Last Man on Earth, Rosewood, Gotham, and more appear.
Volunteering in our communities
On Saturday, April 16, 21CF colleagues on both the East and West coasts spent the day giving back to the communities where they live and work. In Los Angeles, the FoxGives group organized a trip to Grand View Elementary School in Culver City, where nearly 100 Fox employees painted an environmentally-themed mural, planted a garden, and built planters, benches, and bird houses. The event was hosted in conjunction with LA Works, a nonprofit that creates hands-on community service projects throughout the greater Los Angeles area.
On the East Coast, 21CF employees spent April 16 as part of the annual New York Cares Day, a city-wide volunteering initiative to clean up New York's parks and community spaces. Colleagues from the corporate office, Blue Sky Studios, Fox News Channel, FOX Sports, and Fox TV Stations spent the day painting, pulling weeds, and sprucing up the athletic spaces at East River Park. 21st Century Fox has supported New York Cares since 1999.
Reaching global audiences with National Geographic
National Geographic is spending Earth Day inspiring and empowering people around the world to make changes in their daily lives in support of a more sustainable planet. On television, Nat Geo WILD is dedicating its entire primetime block on Friday, April 22, to celebrating those working to protect our wildlife populations, featuring the premiere of "Mission Critical: Orangutan on the Edge." Online, in addition to special features and photo galleries, the company's Instagram brands will select their followers' best nature photos with the hashtag #NatGeoEarthDay and publish them on NationalGeographic.com.