ESG News from Leading Brands

Keep up with the latest environmental, social and governance news from companies embracing the triple bottom line, shared via 3BL's distribution platform.


Ecocentricity Blog: Life in Plastic

So what is the balance point between the good that plastic does and the bad? Honestly, I don’t know. But the more educated we can be about plastics, the better. #plasticpollution #Ecocentricity


Creating Business Value With Supply Chain Sustainability: What You Need to Know and Where You Need to Focus

Antea Group blogs about the 3 stages by which you can create value in your supply chain to bring increasing value to your organization.


Mongabay | Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration: The Fastest Way to Restore Trees to Degraded Landscapes?

Farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) of trees made headlines several years ago when 5 million hectares of Niger were found to have re-greened via the practice. FMNR is the encouragement of regeneration (and then management) of trees and shrubs that sprout from stumps, roots, and seeds found in degraded soils, such as those currently under agricultural production.

Media & Communications

“Total Impact Valuation” – Monetizing the Enterprise’s “Cost-Benefit Analysis” of Impact on Society? This is for CEOs –Advice From The Conference Board

Today’s question for corporate CEO’s: Have you examined your company’s “Total Impact Valuation,” a new approach being advanced by The Conference Board, wherein the enterprises’ impact on society is monetized (cost/benefit evaluated and value attached)?

A small group of companies is doing these exercises. Think of their efforts to date as expanding the usual reporting of “Input/Output” to seriously consider (1) Outcomes, (2) Impacts, (3) Cost and Benefit to Society (and to the company).

This appears to us to have the potential to take corporate sustainability reporting to expanded (new) levels for at least the publicly-traded large caps - that is, if enough investors jump aboard the concept and ask for the information.

Sustainable Development Goals

Plant Breeders Turn to The Seed Library for Genetic Resources

Plant varieties come from a diverse set of seeds. When plant breeders need genetic resources, where do they go? The Seed Library!

Sustainable Development Goals

5 Steps You Can Take Today to Start Measuring Your Business Impact

Impact measurement can be challenging if you have never done it before and don’t know where to start. Even the savviest professionals sometimes find it hard to choose between various tools, methodologies and frameworks available. Truth is, knowing what impact you’re making doesn’t have to be complicated. We have identified a few simple things anyone can do to kickstart impact measurement.

Research, Reports & Publications

Simplifying the Switch to Green Chemistry

Global industries are redefining their core business strategies by adopting greener chemistry practices that are reinventing supply-chain ecosystems to design models that create value for all stakeholders – including the planet. By simply adopting greener chemistry practices, whole industries have seen positive benefits ranging from novel innovations, reduced operational waste and costs, to increased market presence by differentiating themselves amongst their competitors.


VIDEO | Global Transformation by Investing in Youth Education

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, demand for skilled workers continues to rise and is becoming employers’ favorable choice to replace traditional long-term workers. However, there is a mismatch between the skills that workers can offer and what employers are demanding. This gap impacts not only economies but also hampers the transition to equitable and inclusive societies. Therefore, developing skills among the youth is becoming crucial to ensure the overall improvement of business and society.

Events, Media & Communications

Impact That Resonates Everywhere You Work

CR Experts Weigh in on the Trends Shaping Their Regions – And the World


Novelis and Discovery Education Awarded for Global Sustainability Leadership

The Business Intelligence Group today named Novelis and Discovery Education’s Life of a Can initiative Sustainability Service of the Year in the 2018 Sustainability Awards program. The Sustainability Awards honor people, teams and organizations who have made sustainability an integral part of their business practice or overall mission.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Join Us to Empower 1.6 Million Women Workers through HERproject by 2022

BSR is proud to launch a new and more ambitious strategy for HERproject, a collaborative initiative that strives to empower low-income women working in global supply chains.

Events, Media & Communications

Join 3BL Media for Business Aligns with SDGs: Good Health and Well-Being with Pfizer

Pfizer Inc. will talk about its support of the SDGs in the second of 3BL Media’s new webcast series, “Aligning Business With the Global Goals,” July 26 at 2 p.m. ET. Attendance is free and open to corporate responsibility and sustainability professionals.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Dell and IMPACT Announce Collaboration to Support Women’s Empowerment in Democratic Republic of Congo

Dell is teaming with the Canadian-based non-profit IMPACT to provide women in the Democratic Republic of Congo with business education focused on investing their savings into new entrepreneurship opportunities in their communities.

Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 11 CASE STUDY | Controlling Flooding with Permeable Concrete

As part of Bechtel’s commitment to contribute 100 ideas to support the United Nation’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we examine the opportunity of utilizing permeable concrete and other associated materials to help control flooding in developed cities.

Diversity & Inclusion

Which Side of History Is Your Brand On? P&G’s Marc Pritchard Says Now’s the Time to Make It Clear

“The images portrayed in advertising matter,” added Marc Pritchard, P&G’s chief brand officer. “They unconsciously embed bias. I think the days of general audience and general marketing are gone—and I think that’s a good thing. What people want is to see themselves.”


NRG | Transforming the Future of Solar with a Solar Electricity Plan That’s Clean, Green, and Accessible

The driving force behind NRG's new solar energy plan for businesses was – businesses. That revolutionary idea led to the development of something equally innovative – a solar energy plan made easy, simple and instantly capable of being added to any Texas company's energy approach.

Responsible Production & Consumption

SC Johnson amplía la divulgación de los ingredientes de las fragancias y sigue liderando en cuanto a transparencia de los ingredientes

SC Johnson anunció que es la primera gran compañía de bienes de consumo envasados (Consumer Packaged Goods, CPG) en divulgar a nivel mundial los ingredientes de sus fragancias hasta el 0,01 % de la fórmula de los productos de toda su cartera de marcas. Esta medida, que va mucho más allá de lo exigido, sigue el camino que la empresa adoptó hace una década para transformar los esfuerzos de la industria respecto de la transparencia de los ingredientes.

Responsible Production & Consumption

SC Johnson expande a divulgação de ingredientes nas fragrâncias e continua liderando o setor em relação à transparência dos ingredientes

A SC Johnson anunciou hoje que é a primeira grande empresa de bens de consumo a divulgar globalmente até 0,01% dos ingredientes na fórmula de suas fragrâncias em todo seu portfólio de marcas. Essa ação, que vai além do que é obrigatório, continua a jornada de uma década de trabalho da empresa para a transformação dos esforços do setor quando se trata de transparência de ingredientes.

Responsible Production & Consumption

SC Johnson amplia la divulgazione degli ingredienti delle proprie fragranze e continua a essere leader nel settore per la trasparenza sugli ingredienti

Oggi SC Johnson ha annunciato di essere la prima grande azienda di beni di largo consumo a divulgare gli ingredienti delle proprie fragranze fino a quelli che costituiscono lo 0,01% della formula dei prodotti, in tutto il mondo e per l’intero portfolio di marchi. Questa scelta, che va al di là delle imposizioni di legge, porta avanti il percorso decennale con cui SC Johnson sta trasformando il settore relativamente alla trasparenza sugli ingredienti.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

No Barriers Warriors, Wells Fargo Announce the ‘2018 Warrior Strong: The Journey Continues’ Team

No Barriers Warriors and Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) today announced the team of 12 veterans with disabilities selected to participate in the 2018 Warrior Strong: The Journey Continues expedition. This year’s expedition to Mount Whitney in California’s Inyo National Park is scheduled for Sept. 5–13 with a summit attempt scheduled for Sept.11.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Sustainable Development Goals in Corporate Reporting: What Matters to Investors?

Investors care about how companies are advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but businesses don't always report the right information. GA new publication by the Global Reporting Initiative, Principles of Responsible Investment and the UN Global Compact issues 10 recommendations for businesses to meet investor needs in reporting on their SDG progress.

Research, Reports & Publications

Teva Highlights Key Milestones Achieved in the 2017 Social Impact Report

Teva has a rich history of providing innovative, high-quality generic and specialty drugs and health solutions to patients around the world every day. Since joining the company late last year, I’ve been motivated by the opportunity to advance this legacy of promoting health.


Forest Carbon Offsets are Helping to Change the GHG Landscape

Stepped up efforts by environmental non-governmental organizations, private project developers, and municipalities to maintain and enhance healthy forests are delivering direct climate benefits, and in many cases, financial returns as well. Projects have been implemented to reduce deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), improve forest management, and reforest degraded lands. These projects are generating documentable greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions that can be sold as carbon offset credits. This blog explores some of the factors that can contribute to the success or failure of carbon offset validation and verifications.

Responsible Production & Consumption

SC Johnson Expands Fragrance Ingredient Disclosure, Continues to Lead Industry in Ingredient Transparency

SC Johnson today announced that it is the first major consumer packaged goods (CPG) company to globally disclose fragrance ingredients down to .01 percent of the product formula across its portfolio of brands. This action, which goes beyond what is required, continues the company’s decade-long journey to transform industry efforts when it comes to ingredient transparency.

Latest Campaigns

  1. Water
    Evolve with the Water IndustryPartner with Black & Veatch to make water supplies more resilient for providers, more affordable for customers, and more...
  2. ESG Talk: Season Three
    The ESG Talk podcast features candid conversations with business leaders from around the world. In season three, co-hosts Mandi McReynolds, Steve...
  3. Aflac in the Community
    Learn more about Aflac’s culture of care and how it sits at the heart of all we do.
  4. Performance
    Prioritizing ethics, economic contribution, operational excellence, integrity, and accountability in all we do.
  5. Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)
    The business landscape is reorienting itself and you can almost hear priorities shifting toward change-readiness and the bigger picture. And in this...
  6. Environment
    We are committed to integrating environmental stewardship into the way we operate. We recognize the importance of the environment in creating a...
  7. People: Achieving Excellence Through Safety, Efficiency, and Partnership
    Our vision is simple and clear: to be a best-in-class employer delivering innovative products and experiences for our customers. Our focus on...
  8. KeyBank Foundation: Helping Communities Thrive through Education, Workforce Development, and Service
    KeyBank Foundation helps build thriving communities by supporting organizations and programs that foster thriving students and a thriving workforce...
  9. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
  10. Principal Financial Group: Global Inclusion
    Principal is committed to fostering a culture that empowers our employees and demands the best of our leadership by attracting and retaining great...
  11. Investing in our Communities
    We invest in sustainable community outcomes that improve lives.
  12. Social Progress
    Social engagement has always been an integral part of our sense of responsibility as a company. We care and we act to do our part to improve the...
  13. License to Operate
    Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
  14. CARE Corporate Partnerships
    CARE works with corporate partners globally to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions.
  15. CARE Corporate Partnerships
    CARE works with corporate partners globally to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions.