ESG News from Leading Brands

Keep up with the latest environmental, social and governance news from companies embracing the triple bottom line, shared via 3BL's distribution platform.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

Merck CEO Ken Frazier Named to the TIME Top 100, Fortune Top 50 Lists

Ken Frazier’s career has advanced the march of progress. His leadership both inside and outside of our company has earned him a spot on both TIME Magazine’s and Fortune Magazine’s Top Lists this week.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

The Business of Goodness

Companies like TELUS, Canada’s fastest-growing national telecommunications company, have found that weaving giving, volunteering and grantmaking into the fabric of their company culture has far-reaching benefits. Gain insights on how to position your CSR program to be even more core to your company's success and how to create even greater community impact.


An Open Letter to President Drew Faust, Harvard University

In a few months, you will retire from Harvard University and be free to direct your colossal talents wherever you want. I’m writing with an idea of how you could contribute to the climate change mitigation effort in a way no-one else can, and in the process, reverse what I think may be the only blemish on your otherwise outstanding record: forsaking the divestment movement.


Driving the New Climate Economy: How Companies and Communities Can Thrive in a Changing World

There are clear signals that the climate has changed over the past century. Around the world, people are beginning to feel the effects, from increased average and extreme temperatures, to changes in rainfall patterns, to more severe and less predictable storms. At Mars, we source key agricultural materials from countries and communities that are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Smithfield Foods Raises More Than $30,000 for Childhood Cancer Research

Several kind-hearted employees at Smithfield Foods in Rose Hill, N.C. are rocking the bald look after having their heads shaved for a very good cause. Last Friday, April 13th, Smithfield hosted an event to benefit the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a nonprofit organization that raises funds to help find cures for childhood cancer.

The event, “Pork Chops and Crew Cuts,” took place at Smithfield’s Rose Hill, N.C. office. More than 30 Smithfield employees volunteered – organizing and arranging the details, helping with setup, preparing lunch, and…getting their heads shaved. The goal was to raise $25,000 for the Foundation, which they surpassed by raising more than $30,000.

Sustainable Development Goals

HP Eco-Partners: 6 Nonprofits Helping Global Businesses Go Green

No company is an island, especially when it comes to the cooperative work of making the world a habitable place for the long haul. HP’s been in the game since our founding, making us a leader in transitioning to a low-carbon economy and the first major tech company to set goals for cutting our supply chain’s greenhouse-gas footprint.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sands ECO360: Meet Barbara Gore, Global Sustainability Manager

Before stepping into her role at Las Vegas Sands as the global sustainability manager, Barbara Gore studied environmental management at Duke University with a focus on business and sustainability. Now, within Sands ECO360, Las Vegas Sands' global sustainability program, she works on the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and helps facilitate engagement of global properties on strategic sustainability initiatives and best practices.


Doing Our Part to Fight Plastic Pollution

In 2008, Dell started using post-consumer recycled plastics sourced from water bottles and milk jugs in our products. In 2013, we took it a step further and started putting plastics from e-waste recovered via Dell’s recycling programs back into new products. But we felt there were more ways we could contribute.

Green Infrastructure

WELL Building Standard Gaining Momentum In Europe

As Greenbuild Europe came to a close this week in Berlin, the International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI™) used the occasion to highlight how the WELL Building Standard™ (WELL™) has elevated health and well-being to the forefront of sustainability conversations across Europe.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Wells Fargo Commits $200 Billion Toward Sustainable Financing

Wells Fargo will provide $200 billion in financing through 2030 to businesses and projects that support the transition to a low-carbon economy, CEO Tim Sloan announced Thursday during his keynote address at a CEO Investor Forum in San Francisco. More than 50 percent of the financing will be focused on companies and projects that directly support the transition to a low-carbon economy, including clean technologies, renewable energy, green bonds, and alternative transportation. The remainder of the financing will support companies and projects focused on sustainable agriculture, recycling, conservation, and other environmentally beneficial activities.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

GRI & RMI to Improve Minerals Sourcing Due Diligence & Reporting

Global Reporting Initiative and the Responsible Minerals Initiative have kicked off their Corporate Leadership Group on conflict minerals at the OECD 2018 Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains. The first meeting brought together a highly accomplished expert group, which aims to provide the reporting community with consolidated reporting guidance based on existing internationally-recognized tools and frameworks.


El Capital Financiero: Lanzan concurso que busca promover microemprendimientos en Centroamérica

El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos lanzó el concurso ‘El poder de crecer’ impulsado por la llamada Red de Innovación e Impacto, con el fin de apoyar diversos microemprendimientos en Centroamérica. El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, el World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel), y RioSlum Studio anunciaron el lanzamiento del concurso cuyo plazo vence el próximo 27 de abril.


El Capital Financiero: Challenge Launched to Promote Entrepreneurship in Central America

The US State Department launched the ‘Power to Grow’ challenge, promoted by La Red de Innovación e Impacto, with the goal to support different micro enterprises in Central America. The US State Department, the World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel) and RioSlum Studio announced the launching of the challenge and its application deadline, seto for April 27th.


eBay and Natural Resources Defense Council Collaborate for Earth Month

In celebration of Earth Month this April, eBay for Charity has partnered with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a non-profit organization that is working to safeguard the earth, on a campaign with an incredible selection of inventory and experiences that will benefit our planet!


VIDEO | Cambridge Community Garden Connects Post-Millennial Children to the Earth

Over the past eight years, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation has helped create 1,000 community gardens across America. We’ve seen firsthand how gardens transform communities, but even more so, people’s lives. Here’s the story of one of those gardens, the Cambridge Community Garden in Cambridge, New York.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

How Barclays Is Increasing Access to Financial Services to Boost Societal Progress

In 2017 over 4.8m people took action to protect themselves from online fraud as a result of our Digital Safety campaign.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Xylem Guelph Walks for Water

Xylem’s site in Guelph, Ontario conducted a Walk for Water on April 10th as part of Xylem Watermark’s Make Your Mark 30 Day Challenge. Volunteers carried 4-liter jugs of water while walking a 5 km route to bring attention to the issues of water scarcity in many countries and to try to understand what millions of people around the world must do to obtain clean water for their families and homes. The walk ended at the Guelph Food Bank, where the volunteers donated their jugs of water.

Research, Reports & Publications

Accenture Publishes 2017 Corporate Citizenship Report

Accenture (NYSE: ACN) released its 2017 Corporate Citizenship Report, which details the company’s goals and progress toward helping improve the way the world works and lives.


Transforming an Oilfield Waste Land Into a Boreal Forest

Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA) presented Tetra Tech (EBA) with an Environmental Award of Merit at the CEA Showcase Awards Gala, an event attended by more than 500 industry leaders in February 2017. The Showcase Awards recognize excellence in consulting engineering in Alberta and throughout the world. Tetra Tech received the Environmental Award of Merit for its work with Newalta Corporation to design a closure approach for a former oilfield waste land treatment facility south of Drayton Valley, Alberta.


Farm to Table Event Spotlights Local Seattle-Area Farmers

In celebration of Earth Week 2018, Seattle Pacific University, the Puget Sound Food Hub and Sodexo, the university’s dining services partner, teamed up to launch its first-ever Farm to Table lunch event. The event will give students a taste of new locally-sourced menu items and an opportunity to connect directly with Seattle-area farmers to learn first-hand about the menu’s ingredients.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Wells Fargo Announces $200 Billion Sustainable Financing Commitment

Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) today announced it will provide $200 billion in financing to sustainable businesses and projects by 2030, with more than 50 percent focused on clean technology and renewable energy transactions that directly support the transition to a low-carbon economy. The company also detailed its commitment to transparency in its methodology for accounting, project inclusion, and the carbon intensity of its credit portfolio, and will regularly report on the social, environmental, and economic impacts of the lending.

Environment Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos lanza concurso: “El Poder de Crecer”

El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos, el World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel), y RioSlum Studio anunciaron el lanzamiento del concurso “El Poder de Crecer”. Este concurso ha sido impulsado por una coalición de organizaciones denominada La Red de Innovación e Impacto y financiado con fondos del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos. La iniciativa está destinada a buscar organizaciones que se especialicen en el desarrollo de la mipyme en la región y reconocer su labor en el crecimiento económico de los países otorgándoles recursos.

Environment US Department of State Launches “Power to Grow” Challenge

The US State Department, the World Environment Center (WEC), Le Groupe-conseil baastel Itée (Baastel) and RioSlum Studio announced the launching of the “Power to Grow” Challenge. The challenge has been promoted by a partnership called La Red de Innovación e Impacto, funded by the US State Department and formed by different organizations. The initiative aims to find organizations specialized in the MSME development in the Central American region and reward their contribution to the economic growth of the countries by providing them with resources.


Bloomberg Philanthropies Announces Partnership With Powering Past Coal Alliance to Strengthen Global Efforts to Phase Out Coal

On April 9, Bloomberg Philanthropies and the Powering Past Coal Alliance announced a new partnership to develop research and case studies in support of national, regional, and local governments around the world who have committed to or are considering phasing out coal from their energy portfolios.

Latest Campaigns

  1. Water
    Evolve with the Water IndustryPartner with Black & Veatch to make water supplies more resilient for providers, more affordable for customers, and more...
  2. ESG Talk: Season Three
    The ESG Talk podcast features candid conversations with business leaders from around the world. In season three, co-hosts Mandi McReynolds, Steve...
  3. Aflac in the Community
    Learn more about Aflac’s culture of care and how it sits at the heart of all we do.
  4. Performance
    Prioritizing ethics, economic contribution, operational excellence, integrity, and accountability in all we do.
  5. Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)
    The business landscape is reorienting itself and you can almost hear priorities shifting toward change-readiness and the bigger picture. And in this...
  6. Environment
    We are committed to integrating environmental stewardship into the way we operate. We recognize the importance of the environment in creating a...
  7. People: Achieving Excellence Through Safety, Efficiency, and Partnership
    Our vision is simple and clear: to be a best-in-class employer delivering innovative products and experiences for our customers. Our focus on...
  8. KeyBank Foundation: Helping Communities Thrive through Education, Workforce Development, and Service
    KeyBank Foundation helps build thriving communities by supporting organizations and programs that foster thriving students and a thriving workforce...
  9. Kingfisher Around the World
    The SCS Kingfisher certification mark is showing up on an increasing number of products around the world. It differentiates companies that are making...
  10. Principal Financial Group: Global Inclusion
    Principal is committed to fostering a culture that empowers our employees and demands the best of our leadership by attracting and retaining great...
  11. Investing in our Communities
    We invest in sustainable community outcomes that improve lives.
  12. Social Progress
    Social engagement has always been an integral part of our sense of responsibility as a company. We care and we act to do our part to improve the...
  13. License to Operate
    Corporate governance, risk management, operational integrity, and regulatory compliance are demanding challenges that companies face in today’s ever...
  14. CARE Corporate Partnerships
    CARE works with corporate partners globally to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions.
  15. CARE Corporate Partnerships
    CARE works with corporate partners globally to invest in innovative, scalable, impactful, community-based solutions.