Avue's Comprehensive Technology Provides a 'Soft Landing' for Returning Veterans Who Need Jobs

Feb 23, 2012 10:27 AM ET

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23, 2012 /3BL Media /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. military veterans returning from tours of duty in Iraq, Afghanistan and other worldwide outposts not only need to find employment upon their return but need to have private industry, federal agencies and nonprofits as ready partners in their efforts, Avue Technologies Corporation Co-CEO Linda Brooks Rix told a packed conference hall.

"What these veterans have done has high value and matches with those employers who are looking for that talent," Rix said Wednesday to the attendees of the American Legion's first-ever National Credentialing Summit, held at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.   "Let's make their return home a soft landing, especially those whose training, practice and expertise has been in the military, and those who have had a difficult time translating their military experience into a civilian context."   The unemployment rate of the 1.98 million military personnel who have served since Sept. 11, 2001 is 12.1 percent, which is more than three percentage points higher than the national average. As reported in The Los Angeles Times, the unemployment rate for younger veterans, those between the ages of 18 and 34, is an astounding 16.6 percent.   But the fight for quality jobs for veterans is not a new one for Avue Technologies and the American Legion.   Their partnership began eight years ago and paved the way for the 2005 creation of the first software platform that provided career matching for transitioning military to commercial and civilian jobs: Avue's Military Occupational Skills (MOS) Translator.   One of the difficulties service members face when transitioning into civilian employment is how to translate their military experience into related, non-military skills. Many pointed to this "language" barrier as one of the reasons veteran unemployment is so high. Avue's MOS Translator makes that prospect easier by automatically converting the veterans' occupation code into related and marketable civilian skills.   An integral part of Avue's free and comprehensive Federal employment site, AvueCentral.com, and also found on www.warfighterhome.us, the MOS Translator relies on an complete, extensive database of more than 4,600 historical and current MOS codes to provide equivalent  Federal occupations, with a complete list of licenses, certifications and training.   "MOS changes all the time," Rix said, "so you need to have the historical equivalency as well as the current. Some agencies use the same code even after the MOS has evolved. Having that historical record allows the veteran applicant to put in multiple MOS experiences."   Avue's MOS Translator allows the job seeker to be positioned ideally in the marketplace and be their own advocate of their skills within the job search.   Avue Central also provides the premier online community and forums for job seekers, who can interact with other applicants as well as industry experts and Federal recruiters. And Avue's live Chat and Help Desk are positioned to assist with translation needs for job seekers.   In addition, jobs posted through Avue enjoy a broad reach to job seekers and applicants by the company's push of job listings to more than 1,600 .edu and .org sites, as well as popular social network platforms Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.   There's never been a more important time nationally for this initiative, Rix said, and Avue's partnership with the American Legion has been crucial in this effort for nearly a decade.   "The American Legion had the foresight to back MOS translation early in the game, and Avue and the American Legion have the same goal: to get veterans jobs in the very near future," Rix said.   About Avue Technologies Founded in 1983, Avue Technologies has pioneered the idea of smart technology for better management. The company provides the public sector with integrated technology and service solutions that dramatically increase enterprise-wide visibility and management effectiveness, workforce productivity, and manager and worker satisfaction. In the fight against "business-as-usual" in Washington, Avue helps power "business-as-unusual." Avue is a privately held company headquartered in Tacoma, Wash., and with offices in Washington, D.C.   For additional information, contact Avue at (253) 573-1877 x203, or via email at iAvue@avuetech.com.   Learn more about Avue Technologies at www.avuetech.com.   Contact for Avue: Linda Rix (235) 573-1877 x-203   Email: iAvue@avuetech.com   Copyright 2012 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.