2017 Strategic Directions: Water Industry Report

Black & Veatch’s 2017 Strategic Directions: Water Industry Report examines how data analytics, consumer education on infrastructure modernization and a more comprehensive view of sustainability are helping water utilities gain ground on legacy challenges.

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Research, Reports & Publications

For Water Utilities, Information is Power
For water utilities, information is power. View expert insights on on data analytics, water infrastructure and customer engagement and more from 2017 Strategic Directions: Water Industry Report.


Water Supply Diversification Continues Rising to Reach Resiliency, Reliability Goals
Objectives for developing alternative water supplies to increase availability and improve water system resilience continue as top priorities for resource stakeholders. This year more than 50 percent of Strategic Directions: Water Industry Report respondents cited resiliency as an increasingly important driver for ensuring reliable water system delivery.

Green Infrastructure

Data Analytics: More Than a Mere Numbers Game for Water Providers
Water providers have been collecting and utilizing data to perform important but traditional tasks: Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) devices speed information across networks, and smart metering infrastructure systems measure consumption and contribute to customer billing. But, as utilities wrestle with addressing aging foundational assets while balancing limited capital and rising calls for lower costs and safer water, there is new urgency to explore how data can drive and optimize asset performance and reduce risk.

Innovation & Technology

Water Industry Report: Data Drives a More Efficient Supply
Mike Orth, Executive Managing Director for the Americas in Black & Veatch’s water business, discusses how data should drive smarter business decisions for long-term water sustainability.

Innovation & Technology

Technology Creates New Efficiencies, But Are Water Utilities Prepared for the Security Risk?
Yahoo!, the Democratic National Convention and the U.S. Department of Justice were among the high-profile victims hit by major cyber attacks in 2016. Many people believe it’s only a matter of time before a water utility joins the list. Some consider physical security to be the weak link in ensuring a well-protected water supply; while others worry that the Internet of Things has created an incalculable number of entry points for hackers to create mischief.

Sustainable Development Goals

Four Key Steps to Optimizing Data for Enterprise Asset Management
Many water leaders face a conundrum – they know massive system investments are needed, but have a steep hill to climb to gain necessary approvals and rate recovery for such investments. Stand-alone, multimillion dollar technology programs often take a back seat to repairing and replacing aging distribution system assets.

Green Infrastructure

Turning Asia’s Flood Waters into Opportunities
Utilities throughout the Asia Pacific region are investing in advanced stormwater management strategies to improve resource resilience and overall water sustainability.

Sustainable Finance & Socially Responsible Investment

Water Industry Report: Cost and Customer Expectation
Ann Bui, Managing Director for water services in Black & Veatch management consulting, describes how utility leaders are taking advantage of opportunities to further educate end users about how their services benefit the community.

Innovation & Technology

Smart Metering Enables Smarter Utility Management
Among the most notable findings from this year’s Strategic Directions: Water Industry Report is the velocity of planning throughout the industry for implementing more advanced operational technologies, such as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and enterprise asset management. More than 30 percent of utilities have indicated plans to implement these technologies, indicating the industry’s evolution and response to perennial issues of tightening budgets, rising costs and providing enhanced customer service.


Elevating Water Services and Achieving Compliance through Integrated Planning
This year’s Strategic Directions: Water Industry Report survey shows that while early adopters are making progress with implementing an “Integrated Planning Approach,” opportunity exists to implement this approach on a larger scale, across the board.
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