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The information hub for the communities and businesses that drive agriculture.

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Content from this campaign

Events, Media & Communications

10 Reasons Why the 2015 FFA Convention Rocks
The Farm Credit team has their bags packed, and is ready to return to the 2015 National FFA Convention and Expo this week in Louisville, Ky. Once again we’ll be rockin’ out with the next generation of farmers, ranchers and advocates for rural America at the Farm Credit booth (#1519).

Responsible Production & Consumption

Farm Credit Seeks Ag Communications Students to Lead NAFB Social Media Corps

Responsible Production & Consumption

Farm Credit Devotes Resources to Young Farmers, Beginning Farmers and Small Farms
Farm Credit’s mission is to support rural communities and agriculture with dependable, consistent access to credit, today and tomorrow. That includes providing support for the next generation of farmers – the young farmers, beginning farmers and small farms across the nation. According to the most recent Ag Census, of the nation’s 3.2 million farmers, 22 percent are beginning farmers, defined as having been in operation for fewer than ten years.

Responsible Production & Consumption

Apply Now for Upcoming Dairy Challenge Social Media Corps Events
The North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge (NAIDC) and Farm Credit are now recruiting for the 2015 Dairy Challenge Social Media Corps this fall. This unique opportunity allows students to gain real-world experience in developing their social media and communications skills. Apply now- the deadline for the Northeast and Southern Regional Dairy Challenge events is just two short weeks away!

Responsible Production & Consumption

Farm Credit Mobilizes to Alleviate Hunger in California's Agricultural Communities

Responsible Production & Consumption

America’s Heartland Season 11 Debuts
Starting September 9, America’s Heartland will begin sharing another season of interesting and informative stories about agriculture in America. Now in its 11th season, the award-winning program covers topics designed to address consumers’ questions and concerns about food safety, animal welfare and environmental sustainability. Some stories feature farmers and ranchers, some talk about agribusinesses and other cover the science behind agriculture and efforts to improve processes and yields.

Responsible Production & Consumption

From the Field: New Study Helps Food Hubs Thrive

Responsible Production & Consumption

Rural America Matters: Investing in Rural Communities

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

From the Field: Farm Credit MarketMaker Innovation Awards

Responsible Production & Consumption

Rural America Matters: Water Infrastructure Essential for Economic Growth

More from Farm Credit

  1. The AGgregator
    Making Connections. Providing Context. The information hub for the communities and businesses that drive agriculture. Visit the AGgregator
  2. Farm Credit 100
    Farm Credit, one of the nation’s leading lenders and financial service providers to rural communities and agriculture, has introduced Farm Credit 100...
  3. The Business of Agriculture
    The Business of Agriculture series covers finance, accounting and other business topics to help both beginning farmers and ranchers as well as...
  4. Producing Excellence: Meet America's Farmers
    Producing Excellence shares compelling stories of American farmers and ranchers, both newcomers to agriculture and producers who span generations...
  5. Ag News Roundup
    The top agriculture stories of the month.