Brands Taking Stands: The Role of the CR Practitioner as Companies Make Their Voices Heard

The Corporate Responsibility Association and CR Magazine are proud to present the annual COMMIT!Forum, the leading event for corporate responsibility (CR) and sustainability practitioners. This year’s theme is Brands Taking Stands: The Role of the CR Practitioner as Companies Make Their Voices Heard.

To spark dialog and engagement prior to the event, CR Magazine created an editorial series on the same topic. Follow along from now until October 11 at and, or better yet, see us in DC at the conference!

Click here for more information.

Content from this campaign


How General Mills Celebrates Honey Bees
Could you do your job if you were kicked out your house, had no food, and under constant attack by parasites and poisons? Not likely. But this is what life is like for many species of birds, bees and other insects who pollinate our crops and help grow one-third of the global food supply.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Corporate Activism Addresses Climate Change, Immigration Reform, LGBTQ Rights
​With 50 Fortune 500 companies and more than 400 small businesses voicing opposition to a proposed Texas bathroom law, the phenomenon of brands taking stands shows no sign of abating.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

To Create Leaders, Challenge Employees to Volunteer
As one international corporation has discovered, corporate leadership engagement is often critical to ensuring a vibrant and successful CSR strategy.

Alexander Mann Solutions, which was founded by Rosaleen Blair in 1996, is considered a global leader in talent acquisition and management. Today, it’s also known as a company that demonstrates CSR values by showcasing its own – clear to the top of its corporate leadership.

Media & Communications

How to Tell Better Stories on Camera


Earth Overshoot Day: Living Large in a Crowded World
Today is Earth Overshoot Day. As of today, the year is done for planet Earth, she has given a year’s worth of natural resources. It may seem counter-intuitive at first. Obviously, we aren’t done with 2017 yet. How can we take more than the Earth makes, for decades on end?

Responsible Production & Consumption

Mining for Fertilizer: How Mosaic Manages Environmental Impacts
There are over seven billion people in the world and every one of them needs to eat to live. Feeding a growing world population means that crop yields have to be improved. Fertilizers are important to improve crop yields in order to feed a growing global population.

Responsible Production & Consumption

The World's Largest Hog Producer Talks Animal Welfare


Corporate Responsibility Practitioner Roundup: Totem Power
In the run up to the COMMIT!Forum, CR Magazine spoke with Brian Lakamp, Founder and CEO at Totem Power. Totem’s smart hub combines modern communications, advanced energy, and distributed intelligence into a single, powerful platform for modern campuses, retail centers, commercial facilities, cities and more. We spoke with him about being a practitioner in the clean energy space.

Supply Chain & the Circular Economy

Corporate Responsibility Practitioner Roundup: Rolland Paper
In the run up to the COMMIT!Forum, CR Magazine spoke with Michele Bartolini, Marketing Director at Rolland Paper. Bartolini oversees marketing for the premium paper company, which puts reuse at the center of its business model.

Health & Healthcare

Corporate Responsibility Practitioner Roundup: Kohler
In the run up to the COMMIT!Forum, CR Magazine spoke with Robert Zimmerman, director of WaSH (water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) products for Kohler. Rob leads Kohler’s efforts to develop water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) products and services for underserved markets globally.

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