CLP | Sustainability/ESG Reporting and Performance

CLP’s goal is to be the leading responsible energy provider in the Asia-Pacific region, from one generation to the next. To support this goal, we have a commitment to regularly communicate to our stakeholders on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of our business, in addition to our corporate performance goals, strategy, and progress.

Check out our Sustainability Report.

Content from this campaign

Innovation & Technology

CLP’s Sustainable Path to Build a Utility of the Future
The CLP Group’s latest Sustainability Report highlights the Company’s strategies to navigate transformative global megatrends and chart a sustainable path to build a Utility of the Future.

Research, Reports & Publications

New CLP Reports: Building a Utility of the Future at a Time of Transition
The CLP Group has launched its new Sustainability Report and Annual Report, highlighting the Company’s continuous efforts in building a sustainable energy business that will thrive on changes and challenges.

As environmental, economic and social contexts continue to evolve globally and locally, CLP’s strong fundamentals supported the Group in a year of transition, laying foundations for long-term growth.

Research, Reports & Publications

WBCSD Commends CLP on Sustainability Governance
The CLP Group demonstrated good sustainability governance practices in its most recent Sustainability Report, according to this year’s edition of Reporting matters – WBCSD’s annual review of member company sustainability reports.

Research, Reports & Publications

CLP Charts Path to Building the Utility of the Future in Annual Reviews
The CLP Group has launched its new Sustainability Report and Annual Report, setting out how to further decarbonise and digitalise its energy business across Asia Pacific building on the strong performance in 2018.
“As part of our efforts to become a ‘Utility of the Future’, we recognise our purpose, and the need to decarbonise and digitalise our business, strengthen our cyber resilience, and attract the right talent to our workforce,” said CLP Holdings Chairman The Hon Sir Michael Kadoorie and Chief Executive Officer Mr Richard Lancaster in the Sustainability Report.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

CLP’s ESG Progress Recognised in Hong Kong and Beyond
CLP Holdings Limited (CLP) has again demonstrated its lead in sustainability management and reporting after winning top honours at the BDO ESG Awards in Hong Kong.

The awards, which recognise Hong Kong-listed companies for positive environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact, attracted entries from more than 60 businesses. CLP topped Hong Kong’s large-cap companies by sweeping the ESG Report of the Year, Best in ESG and Best in Reporting awards in the Large Market Capitalisation category. The contest was organised by BDO, one of the world’s largest accountancy networks, and co-organised by South China Morning Post.

Research, Reports & Publications

CLP Stands Out in Stakeholder Engagement Reporting: Survey
The CLP Group’s stakeholder engagement mechanisms and reporting approach have been recognised in the new edition of Reporting matters, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) annual review of member companies’ sustainability and integrated reports. In the recent WBCSD Leadership Program, CLP and other participants also contributed to a range of sustainability research: getting chief financial officers on board with sustainability; integrated reporting; digital reporting; assurance of environmental, social and governance data; impact assessments; safe sanitation; and communicating the use of low-carbon fuels.


CLP Strives to Connect to People for Sustainable Development
As sustainability education matters, the CLP Group has been participating in the WBCSD Leadership Program, an intensive year-long executive education initiative which prepares leaders for sustainability challenges and opportunities, since 2004. This year, CLP is joining the program to navigate how to better communicate sustainable development and report to stakeholders. Check out how participants from companies around the world gained new insights from industry experts and academics.

Awards, Ratings & Rankings

CLP Looks Ahead After Shining in Hong Kong’s Sustainability Arena
Another year of pushing CLP Group’s sustainability work to the next level has borne fruit, with industry recognition earned in Hong Kong and beyond.

At the CDP Hong Kong and South East Asia awards, CLP was named the best performing Hong Kong company with a score of A- for its water programmes in 2017. It was ranked top of the Hong Kong-based or listed companies which participated in the CDP survey. The assessment was based on the climate change, water and forest-related data received from 1,073 of the world’s largest companies.

Beyond Hong Kong, CLP clinched the best ESG communications award in the IR Magazine Awards – Greater China 2017. The magazine has honoured excellence in investor relations around the world for over 25 years.

Research, Reports & Publications

CLP Shares New Trends in Corporate Sustainability Reporting
In the last two decades, there has been a manifold increase in the number of reporting requirements and guidance documents related to corporate reporting on ESG issues as governments, nonprofits, stock exchanges and others look to companies for transparency on their sustainability performance. As a result, an increasing robustness is now seen in non-financial reporting among companies worldwide.

The CLP Group highlighted the importance of tracking the trends that are changing the business landscape and the need for incorporating the trends into a company’s strategy to maintain a sustainable business in the latest edition of Reporting matters.

Research, Reports & Publications

CLP Shares Sustainability Reporting Insights in WBCSD’s Reporting Matters
The CLP Group shares its Asia Pacific perspective and approach to monitoring key trends for sustainability in the latest edition of Reporting matters.

In the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) annual review of member company sustainability reports, CLP highlighted the importance of tracking the trends that are changing the business landscape and the need for incorporating the trends into a company’s strategy to maintain a sustainable business.

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