Hummel and other lineworkers build and maintain power lines and equipment that carry about 6,300 megawatts of electricity from a diverse mix of power plants to nearly 890,000 Hoosier homes and businesses.
The people Ghent cares about also include Duke Energy customers – there are 1.9 million in Florida. Her team maintains and improves the electric grid to make sure they have service.
Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives
| Duke Energy Corporation
Thomas Doan is on a team that’s expanding Duke Energy’s smart-thinking grid, automated technology that helped avoid more than 1.5 million customer outages across six states in 2023.
This Earth Day, the Duke Energy Foundation awarded $500,000 in grants to local nonprofits in North Carolina focused on environmental justice and climate resiliency.
When the lights go out – whether it is from severe weather, vehicle accidents or animal interference – lineworkers respond by getting the lights on for our customers and communities.
Our Indigenous employee resource group is called Forever Indigenous Resource Support Team (FIRST) and is open to all employees at Duke Energy. Wow! I have learned so much from our FIRST members over this past year.
The Duke Energy Foundation is providing $150,000 in grants to support organizations in Florida that help customers with basic needs such as utility bill assistance, housing and more.
Power plant employees at Marshall Station, Mayo Station, Roxboro Station, Allen Station, Belews Creek Station and Cliffside Station awarded nearly $60,000 in Duke Energy Foundation grants and matching donations to nearly a dozen charitable organizations.
The Duke Energy Foundation is launching the third year of its $500,000 microgrant program to invest in emergency preparedness organizations across South Carolina to increase their resiliency to major weather events through advanced preparation, planning, equipment and training.
In recognition of Black History Month, the Duke Energy Foundation has provided $75,000 in grants to organizations in South Carolina that serve African American communities with programs, services and cultural experiences.
At Duke Energy, we’re always improving operations and finding smart, safe and innovative ways to power the communities we serve. We’re embracing new...