Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Videos from this campaign

Content from this campaign

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Former Intern Credits Supervisor for Helping Pursue Her Passion at Georgia-Pacific
Meet Kiana Townsel, HR business partner at the Cumberland City, Tennessee, gypsum plant. Kiana has held several roles within Georgia-Pacific, where she started as an intern and worked her way through the organization.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Georgia-Pacific Safety Employees Travel Country Sharing Experience With Life-Saving Technology
Keeping employees safe while working is the number one priority at Georgia-Pacific. We believe that no matter how we are performing today, we can always do better to create long-term success and improve society overall.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Georgia-Pacific's Principles in Perspective: Varsha Monick
Listen to Varsha Monick, VP of customer experience and innovation, describe how innovation and Principled Entrepreneurship led to in-transit tracking to meet customers' needs.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Georgia-Pacific's Principles in Perspective: Megan Sirna
I love working for a company that values growth and opportunities for each individual. Like many at Georgia-Pacific and across Koch Industries, my career has taken a path I wouldn’t have expected when I first joined the company. But it has been the right one for me.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Georgia-Pacific's Principles in Perspective: Jesse Ingram
Hear from Jesse Ingram, maintenance manager at Albany Lumber, as he shares how Charles Koch’s book, Good Profit, helped him connect our values within GP back to the building products business.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Georgia-Pacific's Principles in Perspective: Lori B. Chennault
Hear Lori B. Chennault, senior vice president of strategic sourcing and procurement, speak on how we seek to create opportunities based on each individual’s unique gifts and potential to contribute.

Responsible Business & Employee Engagement

Georgia-Pacific's Principles in Perspective: Keith Dula
Listen to Keith Dula, supply chain manager at our Dixie plant in Lexington, Kentucky, explain the importance of being a lifelong learner, exploring your passions and pushing yourself while creating value personally, for the company and your community.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Georgia-Pacific Donates to St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway
Georgia-Pacific celebrated four years of partnership with the St. Jude Dream Home in Charlotte with a donation of ForceField Weather Barrier System.

Philanthropy & Cause Initiatives

Decades of Support, Decades of Children's Lives Transformed
Camp Twin Lakes, where life challenges become triumphs, will soon be the largest camp of its type in the country.

Social Impact & Volunteering

Georgia-Pacific Stands Ready To Help Our Neighbors in Times of Need
Georgia-Pacific's Naheola Mill is one of the few mills with a “cook team” that crisscrosses the state to provide a variety of meals for various celebrations and events and to help in times of need.

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    Georgia-Pacific Stewardship.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility